Loading Number Type Data on Coherence Cache

When you load big decimal number type data on the coherence cache, ensure that you include precision and scale. Only when you specify these values, the join functionality works.
Below is a sample in which a number type data is defined, with the scale and precision values specified:
NamedCache cache  = CacheFactory.getCache("externalcachetimestamp");

        java.math.BigDecimal big10 = new java.math.BigDecimal("10",new
MathContext(58)).setScale(56, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

        Map<String,Object> order1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
order1.put("strValue", "Test");
order1.put("intervalValue", "+000000002 03:04:11.330000000");
        order1.put("orderTag", big10);
