Predefined CSV Data Formats

Comma Separated Values (CSV) file is one of the data formats you can select for your input stream. There are variations in the CSV data format due to the different data sources. The following table lists the available predefined CSV data formats:

CSV Predefined Format Description


Standard comma separated format, as for RFC4180 but allowing empty lines


Excel file format with comma as the value delimiter


Default Informix CSV UNLOAD format used by the UNLOAD TO file_name operation (escaping is disabled.) This is a comma-delimited format with a LF character as the line separator. Values are not quoted and special characters are escaped with '\'. The default NULL string is "\\N".


Default MySQL format used by the SELECT INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA INFILE operations. This is a tab-delimited format with a LF character as the line separator. Values are not quoted and special characters are escaped with '\'. The default NULL string is "\\N".


Default PostgreSQL CSV format used by the COPY operation. This is a comma-delimited format with a LF character as the line separator. The default NULL string is "".


Default PostgreSQL text format used by the COPY operation. This is a tab-delimited format with a LF character as the line separator. The default NULL string is "\\N".


Comma separated format as defined by RFC4180


Tab-delimited format