Sample POJO Cache Loading in Coherence

The following is a sample POJO cache loading in coherence:

NamedCache<Integer, Object> cache = CacheFactory.getCache


	private void preseedCoherencePOJOReferenceData(NamedCache<Integer, 

	Object> cache) {

	OrderPOJO order1 = new OrderPOJO(1,"HP Deskjet v2");
	OrderPOJO order2 = new OrderPOJO(2,"Oracle Database 12");
	OrderPOJO order3 = new OrderPOJO(3,"Apple iPhone6s");
	OrderPOJO order4 = new OrderPOJO(4,"Logitech Mouse");
	cache.put(1, order1);
	cache.put(2, order2);
	cache.put(3, order3);
	cache.put(4, order4);

For this example coherence reference should be created with cache name as externalcachepojo and can join with stream with orderid.