2.14 Upgrading GoldenGate Stream Analytics

To upgrading from an existing version of GGSA to newer version:

  1. Backup your metadata store using any of Oracle or MySQL backup tools. The backup is required to restore the tools in case the upgrade fails.
  2. Run the ./stop-osa.sh command to stop the GGSA server.
  3. Create a OSA-19 folder and download the OSA-*.zip file into the newly- created folder.
  4. Unzip to extract the contents of the OSA-*.zip file.
  5. Copy <YourVersion>/osa-base/etc/osa-env.sh to OSA-*/osa-base/etc.


    You can skip this step, if you are upgrading to GGSA version
  6. Copy <YourVersion>/osa-base/etc/jetty-osa-datasource.xml to OSA-*/osa-base/etc.
  7. Run the ./start-osa.sh command to start the OSA server. This performs the schema migration.
  8. To validate the upgrade, see Validating your Installation.