2.12 Validating Data Flow to GoldenGate Stream Analytics

After you have configured GoldenGate Stream Analytics (GGSA) with the runtime details, you need to ensure that sample data is being detected and correctly read by GGSA.

To validate data flow into GoldenGate Stream Analytics, use the following steps:
  1. Copy the six lines below into a CSV file, for example sample.csv.
    Personal Accessories,Watches,Legend,Special,Brazil,1,240
    Outdoor Protection,First Aid,Aloe Relief,E-mail,United States,3,5.23
    Camping Equipment,Lanterns,Flicker Lantern,Telephone,Italy,3,35.09
    Camping Equipment,Lanterns,Flicker Lantern,Fax,United States,4,35.09
    Golf Equipment,Irons,Hailstorm Steel Irons,Telephone,Spain,5,461
  2. In the Catalog, as shown in the image below, click Create New Item, and then click Stream. create a stream of type File.
  3. In the Type Properties page of the Create Stream dialog box, provide the Name, Description, and Tags for the Stream, select the Stream Type as File, and then select Create Pipeline with this source (Launch Pipeline Editor).
  4. Click the Next button to navigate to the Source Details page of the Create Stream dialog box.
  5. In the Source Details page, click Upload file to upload the sample.csv file, and then click Next to navigate to the Data Format page.
  6. In the Data Format page, select the CSV Predefined Format as Default and select the First record as header, and then click Next to navigate to the Shape page.
  7. In the Shape page, verify that the shape of the event is successfully inferred as in the following image, and then click Save.
  8. In the Create Pipeline dialog box, enter the Name, Description, Tags of the pipeline, select the Stream that you created, and then click Save:
    You can see the pipeline editor and you can see the message Starting Pipeline followed by the message Listening to Events.


    This is the first access of the cluster and it takes time to copy libraries, please be patient. You should eventually see the screenshot below with single node representing the stream source.

    To complete your pipeline, see Create a Pipeline.