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Start and stop domain partitions

Note: WebLogic Server Multitenant domain partitions are deprecated in WebLogic Server The related Console and help pages will be removed in the next release.

You can reconfigure global and partition-specific resources without restarting the associated servers or clusters. Changes to one partition do not affect other partitions: you can create, start, stop, and delete partitions independently.

For more information, see About Partition Lifecycle States and Transitions.

To control domain partitions:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
  2. In the left pane of the Console, select Domain Partitions.

    The Domain Partitions table displays all of the partitions defined in the domain.

  3. Select the check box next to the domain partition you want to control.
  4. To start a partition, click Start.

    All of the resource groups—and all of the applications deployed to those resource groups—are started.

  5. To suspend a running partition, click Suspend, and select to suspend the partition either gracefully (When work completes) or forced (Force suspend now).

    The suspend operation transitions the partition from the RUNNING to ADMIN state.

  6. To resume a suspended partition, click Resume.

    The resume operation transitions the partition from the ADMIN to RUNNING state.

  7. To shutdown a partition:
    1. Click Shutdown, and select to shut down the partition either gracefully (When work completes) or forced (Force shutdown now).

      Shutting down the partition is the runtime equivalent of undeploying the application or resource, except that the configuration for the application or resource is not removed from the configuration file as it would be in a true undeploy operation. The configuration delivered to a Managed Server is also not removed.

    2. Click Shutdown, and select Halt.

      When a partition is in the HALTED state, all resource groups in the partition are shutdown and the partition is fully shutdown on all targets.

  8. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
    Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).

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