
Overview  |   Related MBeans  |   Attributes  |   Operations


WLDF action configuration bean. This is a configuration point for action extensions developed outside of WebLogic.

A WLDF action extension is an action that is managed by, but not owned by, to WLDF. It must have a "type" associated with it, which must be provided to the WLDFWatchNotificationBean#createAction(String, String) method when an instance of this object is created. An instance of a WLDFActionBean defines a single instance configuration of an action extension, which can be referenced from WLDFWatchBean instances like any other action/notification type.

It acts as a container of an action properties, each property being a name/value pair. An action can have simple properties of intrinsic Java types (String, int, float, etc), encrypted properties, Map properties, and array properties.

Map and array properties can not contain nested collections or complex objects; that is, the leaf values of those objects must be simple values represented as String values.

WLDF will map these properties to the proper configuration points on the target action instance. Each action type will have different configuration points, so consult the documentation for those actions to see what the valid configuration properties are for that action type.

Fully Qualified Interface NameIf you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods
Additional Access Points In addition to accessing this MBean by invoking a factory method, you can also access this MBean from the following MBean attributes:
    Access Points Inherited from WLDFNotificationBean Because this MBean extends or implements WLDFNotificationBean, you can also access this MBean by retrieving WLDFNotificationBeans. The following attributes contain WLDFNotificationBeans and its subtypes:

      Related MBeans

      This section describes attributes that provide access to other MBeans.


      Returns all the array properties of the action configuration.

      Factory MethodscreateArrayProperty (java.lang.String name)

      destroyArrayProperty (WLDFArrayPropertyBean property)

      Factory methods do not return objects.

      See Using factory methods.

      Lookup OperationlookupArrayProperty(String name)

      Returns a javax.management.ObjectName for the instance of WLDFArrayPropertyBean named name.

      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the list of all WLDFConfigurationPropertyBean objects that are associated with this container object.

      Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent.
      Lookup OperationlookupConfigurationProperty(String name)

      Returns a javax.management.ObjectName for the instance of WLDFConfigurationPropertyBean named name.

      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns all the encrypted properties.

      Factory MethodscreateEncryptedProperty (java.lang.String name)

      destroyEncryptedProperty (WLDFEncryptedPropertyBean propertyBean)

      Factory methods do not return objects.

      See Using factory methods.

      Lookup OperationlookupEncryptedProperty(String name)

      Returns a javax.management.ObjectName for the instance of WLDFEncryptedPropertyBean named name.

      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns the map properties of the action configuration.

      Factory MethodscreateMapProperty (java.lang.String name)

      destroyMapProperty (WLDFConfigurationPropertiesBean property)

      Factory methods do not return objects.

      See Using factory methods.

      Lookup OperationlookupMapProperty(String name)

      Returns a javax.management.ObjectName for the instance of WLDFConfigurationPropertiesBean named name.

      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      Returns all of the simple properties for this configured action.

      Factory MethodscreateProperty (java.lang.String name)

      destroyProperty (WLDFPropertyBean propertyBean)

      Factory methods do not return objects.

      See Using factory methods.

      Lookup OperationlookupProperty(String name)

      Returns a javax.management.ObjectName for the instance of WLDFPropertyBean named name.

      Privileges Read only
      Relationship type: Containment.


      This section describes the following attributes:


      Specifies whether this action is enabled.

      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Valuetrue


      Return the unique id of this bean instance.

      Privileges Read only
      Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


      The name of the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) bean.

      Privileges Read only


      The length of time, in seconds, that an action has to complete execution. By default, the timeout period is 0, which disables the action timeout.

      Available Since Release
      Privileges Read/Write
      Default Value0
      Minimum value0


      Defines the action type.

      Privileges Read only