WebLogic Messaging API Class Library

IMessage.JMSPriority Property

Gets the message priority level as an int.

The JMS API defines ten levels of priority value, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest. In addition, clients should consider priorities 0-4 as gradations of normal priority and priorities 5-9 as gradations of expedited priority.

See the WebLogic documentation for information on how to configure destinations so that they sort in priority order.

Important: When a message is sent, this field is ignored. After completion of the Send or Publish method, the field holds the priority value set by the producer.



Exception TypeCondition
MessageExceptionif JMS fails to get the message priority due to some internal error.

See Also

IMessage Interface | WebLogic.Messaging Namespace | Constants.Defaults.DEFAULT_PRIORITY | IMessageProducer.Priority