View This Foreign Server Collection



View this foreign server collection.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • The 'excludeFields' query parameter is used to restrict which fields are returned in the response. It is a comma separated list of field names. If present, only fields whose name is not on the list will be returned. If not present, all fields are returned (unless the 'fields' query parameter is specified). Note: 'fields' must not be specified if 'excludeFields' is specified.
  • The 'fields' query parameter is used to restrict which fields are returned in the response. It is a comma separated list of field names. If present, only fields with matching names are returned. If not present, all fields are returned (unless the 'excludeFields' query parameter is specified). Note: 'excludeFields' must not be specified if 'fields' is specified.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns a list of foreign server entities.

Body ()
Root Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items
Show Source
Nested Schema : Foreign Server
Type: object
Show Source
  • The URL that WebLogic Server will use to contact the JNDI provider. The syntax of this URL depends on which JNDI provider is being used. For WebLogic JMS, leave this field blank if you are referencing WebLogic JMS objects within the same cluster.

    This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.provider.url

    Note: If this value is not specified, look-ups will be performed on the JNDI server within the WebLogic Server instance where this connection factory is deployed.


    • legal null
  • Default Value: false

    Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

    When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

  • Read Only: true

    Return the unique identifier of this bean instance.

  • Default Value: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

    The name of the class that must be instantiated to access the JNDI provider. This class name depends on the JNDI provider and the vendor that are being used.

    This value corresponds to the standard JNDI property, java.naming.factory.initial

    Note: This value defaults to weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory, which is the correct value for WebLogic Server.

  • Any Credentials that must be set for the JNDI provider. These Credentials will be part of the properties will be passed directly to the constructor for the JNDI provider's InitialContext class.

    Some foreign providers require other properties to be set while obtaining an initial naming context. These properties can be set with a property bean

  • Read Only: true

    The name of this entity, represented in XML as an attribute.

    Many of the elements within the JMS module are named entities. All of the named entities encased by a type in the XML file must be unique. This is the identifier used to delineate a particular entity within the JMS module.

    This attribute cannot be modified externally from the module (for example, with a deployment plan) because it may be used inside the module referentially.


    • legal null
  • Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

    JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the xml entity <. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


    If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

  • Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

    Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

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