View This Messaging Bridge Collection



View this messaging bridge collection.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • The 'excludeFields' query parameter is used to restrict which fields are returned in the response. It is a comma separated list of field names. If present, only fields whose name is not on the list will be returned. If not present, all fields are returned (unless the 'fields' query parameter is specified). Note: 'fields' must not be specified if 'excludeFields' is specified.
  • The 'fields' query parameter is used to restrict which fields are returned in the response. It is a comma separated list of field names. If present, only fields with matching names are returned. If not present, all fields are returned (unless the 'excludeFields' query parameter is specified). Note: 'excludeFields' must not be specified if 'fields' is specified.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns a list of messaging bridge entities.

Body ()
Root Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items
Show Source
Nested Schema : Messaging Bridge
Type: object
Show Source
  • Default Value: true

    Specifies if a messaging bridge instance forwards in asynchronous messaging mode.

    AsyncEnabled only applies to messaging bridge instances whose source destination supports asynchronous receiving. Messaging bridges instances that forward in asynchronous mode are driven by the source destination. A messaging bridge instance listens for messages and forwards them as they arrive. When AsyncEnabled is not selected, a bridge instance is forced to work in synchronous mode, even if the source supports asynchronous receiving.

    Note: For a messaging bridge instance with a QOS of Exactly-once to work in asynchronous mode, the source destination has to support the MDBTransaction interface. Otherwise, the bridge automatically switches to synchronous mode if it detects that MDBTransaction is not supported by the source destination.

  • Default Value: -1

    The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits before sending a batch of messages in one transaction, regardless of whether the Batch Size has been reached or not.

    • Only applies to a messaging bridge instance forwarding messages in synchronous mode and has a QOS (quality of service) that requires two-phase transactions.

    • The default value of -1 indicates that the bridge instance waits until the number of messages reaches the Batch Size before it completes a transaction.

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Default Value: 10

    The number of messages that are processed within one transaction.

    Batch Size only applies to a messaging bridge instance forwarding messages in synchronous mode and has a QOS (quality of service) that requires two-phase transactions.

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 1000

    A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

    For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

    Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

  • Default Value: Distributed
    Allowed Values: [ "Distributed", "Singleton" ]

    Specifies how the instances of a configured JMS artifact are named and distributed when cluster-targeted. A JMS artifact is cluster-targeted when its target is directly set to a cluster, or when it is scoped to a resource group and the resource group is in turn targeted to a cluster. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. Valid options:

    • Distributed Creates an instance on each server JVM in a cluster. Required for all SAF agents and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host distributed destinations.

    • Singleton Creates a single instance on a single server JVM within a cluster. Required for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped JMS servers that host standalone (non-distributed) destinations and for cluster-targeted or resource-group-scoped path services. The Migration Policy must be On-Failure or Always when using this option with a JMS server, On-Failure when using this option with a messaging bridge, and Always when using this option with a path service.

    Instance Naming Note:

    • The DistributionPolicy determines the instance name suffix for cluster-targeted JMS artifacts. The suffix for a cluster-targeted Singleton is -01 and for a cluster-targeted Distributed is @ClusterMemberName.

    Messaging Bridge Notes:

    • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

    • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

    • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

  • Default Value: true

    Specifies whether or not the messaging bridge allows durable messages.

    When enabled and the source destination is a JMS topic, a messaging bridge instance uses a durable subscription to ensure that no messages are lost in the event of a failure. DurabilityEnabled ignored if the source destination is a JMS queue.

    • When enabled and the source destination uses durable subscriptions, the source JMS implementation saves messages that are sent when a messaging bridge instance is not running. When the bridge instance is restarted, these messages are forwarded to the target destination. The administrator can choose not to be durable.

    • When not enabled, messages that are sent to the source JMS implementation while the bridge instance is down cannot be forwarded to the target destination.

  • Read Only: true
    Default Value: false

    Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

  • Default Value: -1

    Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before failing a cluster-targeted JMS artifact instance back to its preferred server after the preferred server failed and was restarted.

    This delay allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

    • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before failing a JMS artifact back to its user preferred server.

    • A value of indicates that the instance would never failback.

    • A value of -1 indicates that there is no delay and the instance would failback immediately.

    Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

  • Minimum Value: -1
    Default Value: -1

    Specify a limit for the number of cluster-targeted JMS artifact instances that can fail over to a particular JVM.

    This can be used to prevent too many instances from starting on a server, avoiding a system failure when starting too few servers of a formerly large cluster.

    A typical limit value should allow all instances to run in the smallest desired cluster size, which means (smallest-cluster-size * (limit + 1)) should equal or exceed the total number of instances.

    • A value of -1 means there is no fail over limit (unlimited).

    • A value of prevents any fail overs of cluster-targeted JMS artifact instances, so no more than 1 instance will run per server (this is an instance that has not failed over).

    • A value of allows one fail-over instance on each server, so no more than two instances will run per server (one failed over instance plus an instance that has not failed over).

    Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

  • Read Only: true

    Return the unique id of this MBean instance

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 60

    The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance remains idle.

    • In asynchronous mode, this is the longest amount of time a messaging bridge instance stays idle before it checks the sanity of its connection to the source.

    • In synchronous mode, this is the amount of time the messaging bridge can block on a receive call if no transaction is involved.

  • Default Value: 60

    Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before starting a cluster-targeted JMS instance on a newly booted WebLogic Server instance. When this setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

    This allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.

    • A value > is the time, in seconds, to delay before before loading resources after a failure and restart.

    • A value of specifies no delay.

    Note: This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always

  • Default Value: Off
    Allowed Values: [ "Off", "On-Failure", "Always" ]

    Controls migration and restart behavior of cluster-targeted JMS service artifact instances. When this setting is configured on a cluster-targeted store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. See the migratable target settings for enabling migration and restart on migratable-targeted JMS artifacts.

    • Off Disables migration support for cluster-targeted JMS service objects, and changes the default for Restart In Place to false. If you want a restart to be enabled when the Migration Policy is Off, then Restart In Place must be explicitly configured to true. This policy cannot be combined with the Singleton Migration Policy.

    • On-Failure Enables automatic migration and restart of instances on the failure of a subsystem Service or WebLogic Server instance, including automatic fail-back and load balancing of instances.

    • Always Provides the same behavior as On-Failure and automatically migrates instances even in the event of a graceful shutdown or a partial cluster start.

    Note: Cluster leasing must be configured for On-Failure and Always.

    Messaging Bridge Notes:

    • When an instance per server is desired for a cluster-targeted messaging bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Distributed/Off, respectively; these are the defaults.

    • When a single instance per cluster is desired for a cluster-targeted bridge, Oracle recommends setting the bridge Distributed Policy and Migration Policy to Singleton/On-Failure, respectively.

    • A Migration Policy of Always is not recommended for bridges.

    • If you cannot cluster-target a bridge and still need singleton behavior in a configured cluster, you can target the bridge to a migratable target and configure the Migration Policy on the migratable target to Exactly-Once.

  • Read Only: true

    The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

    This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's



    • legal null
  • Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

    WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the xml entity <. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

    Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

  • Minimum Value: -1
    Default Value: 6

    Specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

    • A value > specifies the maximum number of restart attempts.

    • A value of specifies the same behavior as setting getRestartInPlace to false

    • A value of -1 means infinite retry restart until it either starts or the server instance shuts down.

  • Default Value: 240

    Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts all cluster-targeted JMS artifact instances that are configured with a Migration Policy of Always or On-Failure.

    Before this timeout expires or all servers are running, a cluster starts a subset of such instances based on the total number of servers running and the configured cluster size. Once the timeout expires or all servers have started, the system considers the cluster stable and starts any remaining services.

    This delay ensures that services are balanced across a cluster even if the servers are started sequentially. It is ignored after a cluster is fully started (stable) or when individual servers are started.

    • A value > specifies the time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts dynamically configured services.

    • A value of specifies no delay.

  • Default Value: false

    Specifies if message properties are preserved when messages are forwarded by a bridge instance.

    The following message properties are preserved:

    • message ID

    • message timestamp

    • user ID

    • delivery mode

    • priority

    • expiration time

    • redelivery limit

    • unit of order name

    If the target bridge destination is on a foreign JMS server, the following message properties are preserved:

    • delivery mode

    • priority

    • expiration time

  • Default Value: false

    Specifies if this messaging bridge instance allows the degradation of its QOS (quality of service) when the configured QOS is not available.

    • When enabled, the messaging bridge instance degrades the QOS when the configured QOS is not available. If the QOS is degraded, a log message is delivered to the WebLogic startup window or log file.

    • When not enabled, if messaging bridge instance cannot satisfy the quality of service requested, an error results and the messaging bridge instance does not start.

  • Default Value: Exactly-once
    Allowed Values: [ "Exactly-once", "Atmost-once", "Duplicate-okay" ]

    The QOS (quality of service) for this messaging bridge instance.

    • Exactly-once: Each message in the source destination is transferred to the target exactly once. This is the highest QOS a messaging bridge instance can offer.

    • Atmost-once: Each message in the source is transferred to the target only once with the possibility of being lost during the forwarding.

    • Duplicate-okay: Messages in the source destination are transferred to the target (none are lost) but some may appear in the target more than once.


    • secure default : "Exactly-once"
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 5

    The incremental delay time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance increases its waiting time between one failed reconnection attempt and the next retry.

    Use with ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayMaximum. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge instance waits for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge instance increases its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge instance stops increase its waiting time. Once the bridge instance successfully connects to the destination, the bridge instance resets its waiting time to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 60

    The longest amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits between one failed attempt to connect to the source or target, and the next retry.

    Use with ReconnectDelayMinimum and ReconnectDelayIncrease. After the first failure to connect to a destination, a bridge instance waits for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge instance increases its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge instance stops increase its waiting time. Once the bridge instance successfully connects to the destination, the bridge instance resets its waiting time to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 15

    The minimum amount of time, in seconds, that a messaging bridge instance waits before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure.

    Use with ReconnectDelayMaximum and ReconnectDelayIncrease. After the first failure to connect to a destination, the bridge instance waits for the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum. Each time a reconnect attempt fails, the bridge instance increases its waiting time by the number of seconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrease. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectDelayMaximum. Once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge instance stops increase its waiting time. Once the bridge instance successfully connects to the destination, the bridge instance resets its waiting time to the initial value defined by ReconnectDelayMinimum

  • Enables a periodic automatic in-place restart of failed cluster-targeted or standalone-server-targeted JMS artifact instance(s) running on healthy WebLogic Server instances. See the migratable target settings for in-place restarts of migratable-targeted JMS artifacts. When the Restart In Place setting is configured on a store, it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

    • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to Off, Restart In Place is disabled by default.

    • If the Migration Policy of the JMS artifact is set to On-Failure or Always, Restart In Place is enabled by default.

    • This attribute is not used by WebLogic messaging bridges which automatically restart internal connections as needed.

    • For a JMS artifact that is cluster-targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always, if restart fails after the configured maximum retry attempts, it will migrate to a different server within the cluster.

  • Minimum Value: 1
    Default Value: 30

    Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait in between attempts to restart a failed service instance.

  • The filter for messages that are sent across the messaging bridge instance.

    Only messages that match the selection criteria are sent across the messaging bridge:

    • For queues, messages that do not match the selection criteria are left behind and accumulate in the queue.

    • For topics, messages that do not match the connection criteria are dropped.

  • Bridge Destination Common Reference
    Title: Bridge Destination Common Reference
    Contains the bridge destination common reference.

    The source destination from which this messaging bridge instance reads messages.


    • restart required
  • Default Value: true

    Specifies the initial operating state of a targeted messaging bridge instance.

    • If enabled, the messaging bridge instance forwards messages (running).

    • If not enabled, the messaging bridge instance does not forward messages (temporarily stopped).

    After a messaging bridge has started forwarding messages (running), use Started to temporarily suspend an active messaging bridge instance or restart an stopped messaging bridge instance.

    • Select the Started checkbox to start a messaging bridge instance that has been temporarily stopped.

    • Clear the Started checkbox to temporarily stop a messaging bridge instance that was running.

    • This value does not indicate the run-time state of a messaging bridge instance.

  • Items
    Title: Items

    Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

  • Bridge Destination Common Reference
    Title: Bridge Destination Common Reference
    Contains the bridge destination common reference.

    The target destination where a messaging bridge instance sends the messages it receives from the source destination.


    • restart required
  • Target References
    Title: Target References
    Contains the array of target references.

    You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 30

    The amount of time, in seconds, that the transaction manager waits for each transaction before timing it out.

    • Transaction timeouts are used when the QOS (quality of service) for a messaging bridge instance requires transactions.

    • If a bridge is configured with Exactly-once QOS, the receiving and sending is completed in one transaction.

  • Read Only: true

    Returns the type of the MBean.


    • unharvestable
Nested Schema : Bridge Destination Common Reference
Type: array
Title: Bridge Destination Common Reference
Contains the bridge destination common reference.

The source destination from which this messaging bridge instance reads messages.


  • restart required
Show Source
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items

Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Show Source
Nested Schema : Bridge Destination Common Reference
Type: array
Title: Bridge Destination Common Reference
Contains the bridge destination common reference.

The target destination where a messaging bridge instance sends the messages it receives from the source destination.


  • restart required
Show Source
Nested Schema : Target References
Type: array
Title: Target References
Contains the array of target references.

You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed. Targets must be either servers or clusters. The deployment will only occur once if deployments overlap.

Show Source
Nested Schema : Target Reference
Type: object
Title: Target Reference
Contains the target reference.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Identity
Type: array
Title: Identity
DOC TEAM TBD - describe an identity - it's a reference to another WLS REST resource.
Show Source
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