Deploy ( Name, Application Path, Targets, Plan, Deployment Options )



A convenience method for distributing and starting an application. The application source files and deployment plan are distributed to the deployment targets using the options specified. This is an asynchronous operation that returns immediately. If distribution is successful, the application is then started on each of the targets. Successful deployment requires that all targets receive both the archive and deployment plan.

If any modules are currently running, this method immediately restarts those modules using the newer files. Restarting modules in this manner is not the same as redeployment, because session state is not preserved for the active modules.

This method supports both asynchronous and best effort synchronous invocations. The behavior is controlled by the 'Prefer' header.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • The 'Prefer' header parameter can be used to specify the preference on how this method runs. A value of 'respond-async' specifies a preference to submit the request and return immediately without waiting for completion. Alternatively a value of 'wait=#seconds' specifies a preference to wait for #seconds for method completion before returning. If the Prefer header is not specified or invalid, then a 300 second wait will be used.
  • The 'X-Requested-By' header is used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The value is an arbitrary name such as 'MyClient'.
Body ()

Must contain the following fields:

Root Schema : Arguments
Type: object
Title: Arguments
Show Source
  • A supported Java EE application or module archive, or a root directory for the application or module.

  • Properties
    Title: Properties
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties

    Allows for overriding the deployment options. If null, default options will be used. The values should all be of type The keys, units and default values for options are clusterDeploymentTimeout milliseconds 3600000, gracefulIgnoreSessions boolean false, gracefulProductionToAdmin boolean false, retireGracefully boolean true, retireTimeout seconds -1 (no timeout), adminMode boolean false, timeout milliseconds 0 (no timeout)

  • The name of the application

  • The deployment plan for this application. May be null.

  • Items
    Title: Items

    The targets on which to deploy the application. This would be server names, cluster names, or module names in a similar format to weblogic.Deployer (i.e. module1@server1). If null, the application will be redeployed on all configured targets.

Nested Schema : Properties
Type: object
Title: Properties
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source

Allows for overriding the deployment options. If null, default options will be used. The values should all be of type The keys, units and default values for options are clusterDeploymentTimeout milliseconds 3600000, gracefulIgnoreSessions boolean false, gracefulProductionToAdmin boolean false, retireGracefully boolean true, retireTimeout seconds -1 (no timeout), adminMode boolean false, timeout milliseconds 0 (no timeout)

Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items

The targets on which to deploy the application. This would be server names, cluster names, or module names in a similar format to weblogic.Deployer (i.e. module1@server1). If null, the application will be redeployed on all configured targets.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns the following fields:

Body ()
Root Schema : Return
Type: object
Title: Return
Show Source
Nested Schema : Deployment Progress Object Reference
Type: array
Title: Deployment Progress Object Reference
Contains the deployment progress object reference.

Returns the action's result.

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