Start ()



Uses the Node Manager to start a Managed Server.

This method supports both asynchronous and best effort synchronous invocations. The behavior is controlled by the 'Prefer' header.


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • The 'Prefer' header parameter can be used to specify the preference on how this method runs. A value of 'respond-async' specifies a preference to submit the request and return immediately without waiting for completion. Alternatively a value of 'wait=#seconds' specifies a preference to wait for #seconds for method completion before returning. If the Prefer header is not specified or invalid, then a 300 second wait will be used.
  • The 'X-Requested-By' header is used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The value is an arbitrary name such as 'MyClient'.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns the following fields:

Body ()
Root Schema : Return
Type: object
Title: Return
Show Source
Nested Schema : Server Life Cycle Task Runtime Reference
Type: array
Title: Server Life Cycle Task Runtime Reference
Contains the server life cycle task runtime reference.

Returns the action's result.

Show Source
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Synchronously invoke the start action.

This example uses the POST method to synchronously invoke the start action.

Example Request
curl -v \
--user admin:admin123 \
-H X-Requested-By:MyClient \
-H Accept:application/json \
-H Content-Type:application/json \
-d "{}" \
-X POST http://localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/domainRuntime/serverLifeCycleRuntimes/Cluster-0-Server-1/start
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Response Body:
    "links": [{
        "rel": "job",
        "href": "http:\//localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/domainRuntime/serverLifeCycleRuntimes/Cluster-0-Server-1/tasks/_4_start"
    "identity": [
    "running": false,
    "systemTask": false,
    "endTimeAsLong": 1549548772324,
    "name": "_4_start",
    "progress": "success",
    "description": "Starting Cluster-0-Server-1 server ...",
    "serverName": "Cluster-0-Server-1",
    "taskError": null,
    "startTimeAsLong": 1549548759596,
    "type": "ServerLifeCycleTaskRuntime",
    "operation": "start",
    "taskStatus": "TASK COMPLETED",
    "parentTask": null,
    "completed": true,
    "intervalToPoll": 1000,
    "startTime": "2019-02-07T09:12:39.596-05:00",
    "endTime": "2019-02-07T09:12:52.324-05:00"

Asynchronously invoke the start action.

This example uses the POST method to asynchronously invoke the start action.

Example Request
curl -v \
--user admin:admin123 \
-H X-Requested-By:MyClient \
-H Accept:application/json \
-H Content-Type:application/json \
-d "{}" \
-H "Prefer:respond-async" \
-X POST http://localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/domainRuntime/serverLifeCycleRuntimes/Cluster-0-Server-1/start?links=job,abort&fields=completed,progress,serverName,operation,taskStatus
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Location: http://localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/domainRuntime/serverLifeCycleRuntimes/Cluster-0-Server-1/tasks/_16_start

Response Body:
    "links": [{
        "rel": "job",
        "href": "http:\//localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/domainRuntime/serverLifeCycleRuntimes/Cluster-0-Server-1/tasks/_16_start"
    "progress": "processing",
    "serverName": "Cluster-0-Server-1",
    "operation": "start",
    "taskStatus": "TASK IN PROGRESS",
    "completed": false
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