Modify This Web Service Buffering



Modify this web service buffering.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • The 'X-Requested-By' header is used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The value is an arbitrary name such as 'MyClient'.
Body ()

Must contain the modified web service buffering model.

Root Schema : Web Service Buffering
Type: object
Show Source
  • Read Only: true
    Default Value: false

    Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

  • Read Only: true

    Return the unique id of this MBean instance

  • Read Only: true

    The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

    This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's



    • legal null
  • Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

    WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the xml entity <. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

    Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Default Value: 3

    The number of times a buffered request or response can be retried before it is abandoned (and moved to any error queue defined for the buffer queue)

  • Default Value: P0DT30S

    The amount time between retries of a buffered request and response. Note, this value is only applicable when RetryCount > 0. String value in "Duration" format. Defaults to "P0DT30S" (30 seconds).

  • Items
    Title: Items

    Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

  • Read Only: true

    Returns the type of the MBean.


    • unharvestable
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items

Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Show Source
  • Type: basic
    Description: A user in the Admin security role.
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200 Response

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