Modify This Domain



Modify this domain.

Note: This tree of resources is used to edit the WebLogic Server configuration.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • The 'X-Requested-By' header is used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The value is an arbitrary name such as 'MyClient'.
Body ()

Must contain the modified domain model.

Root Schema : Domain
Type: object
Show Source
  • Minimum Value: 1
    Maximum Value: 65535
    Default Value: 9002

    The common secure administration port for this WebLogic Server domain. (Requires you to enable the administration port.)

  • Default Value: false

    Specifies whether the domain-wide administration port should be enabled for this WebLogic Server domain. Because the administration port uses SSL, enabling the administration port requires that SSL must be configured for all servers in the domain.

    The domain-wide administration port enables you to start a WebLogic Server instance in STANDBY state. It also allows you to separate administration traffic from application traffic in your domain. Because all servers in the domain must enable or disable the administration port at once, you configure the default administration port settings at the domain level.

    If you enable the administration port:

    • The administration port accepts only connections that specify administrator credentials.

    • Connections that specify administrator credentials can use only the administration port.

    • The command that starts managed servers must specify a secure protocol and the administration port:


    • secure default : true
  • Default Value: t3s

    The default protocol for communicating through the administration port or administration channels. (Requires you to enable the administration port or to create an administration channel.)

    If requests through the administration port or an administration channel do not specify a protocol, WebLogic Server uses the protocol specified here.

    Valid admin protocols are:

    • t3s

    • https

    • iiops

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 0

    The number of archival versions of config.xml saved by the Administration Server each time the domain configuration is modified.

  • Returns the Batch DataSource jndi name. This jndi name will be used to lookup an instance of a DataSource that will be used to store the Batch jobs data.

  • Returns the name of the application-scoped ManagedExecutorService. This ManagedExecutorService instance will be used to run batch jobs that are submitted from applications deployed to the domain. The ManagedExecutorServiceTemplate by the same name must exit when a batch job is submitted in the domain. If this returns null, then the batch runtime will look to use the default Java EE ManagedExecutorService that is bound to the JNDI name: java:comp/DefaultManagedExecutorService

  • Default Value: false

    Specifies that deployments targeted to a cluster succeed only if all servers in the cluster are running.

    By default, cluster constraints are disabled and deployment is attempted only on the servers that are reachable at the time of deployment from the Administration Server. Any servers that have been shut down or are temporarily partitioned from the Administration Server will retrieve the deployment during server startup or shortly after the network partition is resolved.

  • Default Value: false

    If true, then backups of the configuration will be made during server boot.

  • Default Value: none
    Allowed Values: [ "none", "log", "audit", "logaudit" ]

    Returns the criteria used for auditing configuration events (configuration changes and other operations):

    • CONFIG_CHANGE_NONE Configuration events will neither be written to the server log or directed to the Security Audit Framework.

    • CONFIG_CHANGE_LOG Configuration events will be written to the server log.

    • CONFIG_CHANGE_AUDITConfiguration events will be directed to the Security Audit Framework.

    • CONFIG_CHANGE_LOG_AND_AUDIT Configuration events will be written to the server log and directed to the Security Audit Framework.


    • secure default : "audit"
  • Default Value: oracle.doceng.json.BetterJsonNull@4cd5c772

    The release identifier for the configuration. This identifier will be used to indicate the version of the configuration. All server generated configurations will be established with the release identifier of the running server. The form of the version is major.minor.servicepack.rollingpatch. Not all parts of the version are required. i.e. "7" is acceptable.

  • Default Value: console

    The context path that you want to use in URLs that specify the Administration Console. (Requires you to enable the Administration Console for the current domain.)

    To access the Administration Console, you use the following URL: http://listen-addesslisten-portcontext-path. For example, if you set the context path to myconsole, then you use the following URL to access the Administration Console: http://localhost:7001/myconsole

    To specify the listen address and listen port that you use to access the Administration Console, configure the listen address and listen port of the Administration Server.

  • Default Value: true

    Specifies whether the Administration Server automatically deploys the Administration Console in the current domain.

    If the Administration Console is not deployed, you can still use the WebLogic Scripting Tool or the management APIs to configure and monitor the domain.


    • doc only secure default : false
  • Default Value: console-ext

    Returns the directory path that console extensions are loaded from.

  • Default Value: false

    Specifies whether the domain should enter database passive mode.

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 30

    Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that is allowed for in-progress work to complete before entering database passive mode.

  • Deployment References
    Title: Deployment References
    Read Only: true
    Contains the array of deployment references.

    Returns the DeploymentsMBeans representing the deployments that have been deployed to be part of this domain.

  • Default Value: true

    Specifies whether WLDF sends a pre-12.2.1-style diagnostic context along with the current-style diagnostic context.

    If outbound communication to pre-12.2.1 servers is possible, this setting should always be enabled to ensure that those servers receive a diagnostic context that they can process. Disabling this setting in those scenarios can result in correlation information being lost across tiers, and in information reported by WLDF and DMS to become of sync in some situations.

    If there is no outbound communication to pre-12.2.1 servers possible, it is suggested to disable this mode as only the current-style diagnostic context is needed to be propagated outbound (propagating the old style will not cause a failure, but is unnecessary overhead in that situation).

    This setting affects outbound only, inbound pre-12.2.1 style diagnostic contexts are always understood and handled.

  • Defines the common version of all servers in a domain. In a domain containing servers that are not all at the same release version, this attribute is used to determine the feature level that servers will assume.

    The value must be less than or equal to the version of any managed server in the domain.

    If this value is not equal to the version of the release version of the admin server, then the admin server will not be allowed to make modifications to the configuration.

  • Read Only: true
    Default Value: false

    Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

  • Specifies the class loading behavior for embedded adapters. If you enable this option, embedded adapters deployed to all partitions in the domain will use Java EE compliant class loading. The embedded adapter's classes will be accessible from other modules in the same application.

  • Default Value: false

    Specifies whether optimizations for Oracle Exalogic should be enabled. Optimizations include improved thread management and request processing, and reduced lock contention. This attribute should be enabled only when configuring a WebLogic domain for Oracle Exalogic.

  • Read Only: true

    Return the unique id of this MBean instance

  • Default Value: true

    Specifies whether internal applications such as the console, uddi, wlstestclient, and uddiexplorer are deployed on demand (first access) instead of during server startup.

  • Specifies whether the Administration Server automatically deploys the Java Service Administration Console in the current domain.

  • Default Value: false

    Specifies whether features to support the use of this WebLogic Server as a Java Service in a cloud environment should be enabled.

  • Read Only: true

    Return the last time this domain was updated. This is guaranteed to be unique for a given transactional modification.

  • Default Value: false

    Configures whether log messages will be logged in legacy format without supplemental attributes.

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 65534
    Default Value: 50

    The maximum number of running long-running requests that can be submitted to all the Managed Executor Services or Managed Scheduled Executor Services in the global/domain partition on the current server.

  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 65534
    Default Value: 50

    The maximum number of running threads that can be created by all the Managed Thread Factories in the global/domain partition on the current server.

  • Read Only: true

    An alphanumeric name for this domain.

    For more information on domain naming conventions, see Domain and Server Name Restrictions in Understanding Domain Configuration for Oracle WebLogic Server.

    This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's



    • legal null
  • Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

    WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the xml entity <. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

    Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

  • Default Value: false

    Determines if the modules of applications will be deployed in parallel. This setting can be overridden at the per-partition or per-application levels. See AppDeploymentMBean#isParallelDeployModules()

  • Determines if applications will be deployed in parallel. This setting can be overridden at the per-partition level. See PartitionMBean#isParallelDeployApplications()

  • Default Value: /partitions

    The URI prefix used for partition administrative virtual targets.

  • Specifies whether all servers in this domain run in production mode.

    You can configure servers in your domain to start in one of two modes, development or production. You use development mode while you are developing your applications. Development mode uses a relaxed security configuration and enables you to auto-deploy applications. You use production mode when your application is running in its final form. A production domain uses full security and may use clusters or other advanced features.

    The runtime mode is a domain-wide setting. As each Managed Server starts, it refers to the mode of the Administration Server to determine its runtime mode. If you configure the domain to run in production mode, the Administration Server saves this setting to the domain's configuration document.

  • Read Only: true

    Return the root directory for the domain. In other words for a server process [ServerMBean.getRootDirectory] or [ServerMBean.getDomainDirectory]

  • Minimum Value: -1
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 100

    Gets the history size of server migrations.

    A value of -1 indicates that the history size is unlimited.

  • Minimum Value: -1
    Maximum Value: 2147483647
    Default Value: 100

    Gets the history size of service migrations.

    A value of -1 indicates that the history size is unlimited.

  • System Resource References
    Title: System Resource References
    Read Only: true
    Contains the array of system resource references.

    Return the SystemResourceMBeans in this Domain.

  • Items
    Title: Items

    Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

  • Target References
    Title: Target References
    Read Only: true
    Contains the array of target references.

    Define targets for this Domain

  • Read Only: true

    Returns the type of the MBean.


    • unharvestable
Nested Schema : Deployment References
Type: array
Title: Deployment References
Read Only: true
Contains the array of deployment references.

Returns the DeploymentsMBeans representing the deployments that have been deployed to be part of this domain.

Show Source
Nested Schema : System Resource References
Type: array
Title: System Resource References
Read Only: true
Contains the array of system resource references.

Return the SystemResourceMBeans in this Domain.

Show Source
Nested Schema : Items
Type: array
Title: Items

Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

Show Source
Nested Schema : Target References
Type: array
Title: Target References
Read Only: true
Contains the array of target references.

Define targets for this Domain

Show Source
Nested Schema : Deployment Reference
Type: object
Title: Deployment Reference
Contains the deployment reference.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Identity
Type: array
Title: Identity
DOC TEAM TBD - describe an identity - it's a reference to another WLS REST resource.
Show Source
Nested Schema : System Resource Reference
Type: object
Title: System Resource Reference
Contains the system resource reference.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Identity
Type: array
Title: Identity
DOC TEAM TBD - describe an identity - it's a reference to another WLS REST resource.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Target Reference
Type: object
Title: Target Reference
Contains the target reference.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Identity
Type: array
Title: Identity
DOC TEAM TBD - describe an identity - it's a reference to another WLS REST resource.
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