Pause Insertion



Pauses the appearance of any messages on all the destinations of the JMSServer, that are result of the in-flight work completion on all the destinations hosted by this JMSServer.

Definition of In-Flight work

The definitions below are based on the current implementation of WebLogic JMS subsystem.

  • In-flight messages associated with Producers


      Messages that are produced by the producer, with "birth time" (TimeToDeliver) set in future are called un-born messages and are counted as "pending" messages in the destination statistics and are not available for consumers yet.


      These are the messages that are produced by the producer as part of the transaction (using either user transaction or transacted session) and the transaction is still not committed or rolled back. These messages are also counted as "pending" messages in the destination statistics and are not available for consumption.


      These are the messages that are produced by the producers but are not able reach the destination because of (either message or byte or both) quota limit on the destination and the producers are willing to block for a specific period of time for the quota to be available. These messages are invisible to the system and are not counted against any of the destination statistics.

  • In-flight messages associated with Consumers


      These are the messages that are successfully consumed by the clients using a "client acknowledge" session, and are awaiting acknowledgements from the clients. These are "pending messages" which will be removed from the destination/system when the acknowledgement is received.


      These are the messages that are consumed (received) by the clients within a transaction (using either user transaction or transacted session) and the transaction is still not committed or rolled back. When the clients successfully commit the transaction the messages get removed from the system.


      These are the messages that are put back on the destination because of a successful rollback of transactional receive by the consumers. These messages might or might not be ready for consumption (re-delivered) to the clients immediately, depending on the redelivery parameters, RedeliveryDelay and/or RedeliveryDelayOverride and RedeliveryLimit configured on the associated JMSConnectionFactory and JMSDestination respectively.

      If there is a redelivery delay configured, then for that "delay" duration, the messages are not available for consumption and are counted as "pending" in the destination statistics and after the "delay" period, if the redelivery limit is not exceeded, then they are delivered (made available for consumption) on that destination and are counted as "current" messages in the destination statistics. If the redelivery limit exceeds, then those messages will be moved to the ErrorDestination, if one configured.

      Another parameter that controls the availability of the rolled back messages is RedeliveryLimit.


      These messages are similar to ROLLED BACK MESSAGES except that these messages appear on the queue because of an explicit call to session "recover" by the client.


      These are again similar to ROLLED BACK MESSAGES except that these messages may re-appear on the destination because of an un-successful delivery attempt to the client (consumer crash, close etc.).


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • The 'X-Requested-By' header is used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The value is an arbitrary name such as 'MyClient'.
  • Type: basic
    Description: A user in the Admin security role.
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200 Response

Returns the following fields:

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