


Gracefully, asynchronously shuts down a data source that has a health state of Running. A graceful (non-forced) datasource shutdown operation involves first gracefully suspending the data source and then releasing the associated resources including the connections. See the description above for details of gracefully suspending the datasource. After the datasource is gracefully suspended, all remaining in-use connections are closed and the datasource is marked as shut down.

Setting IgnoreInUseConnectionsEnabled to false causes the operation to fail if in-use connections exist.

If successful, the health state is set to Shutdown

This is a privileged operation that can only be invoked by an authorized user.

This method supports both asynchronous and best effort synchronous invocations. The behavior is controlled by the 'Prefer' header.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • The 'Prefer' header parameter can be used to specify the preference on how this method runs. A value of 'respond-async' specifies a preference to submit the request and return immediately without waiting for completion. Alternatively a value of 'wait=#seconds' specifies a preference to wait for #seconds for method completion before returning. If the Prefer header is not specified or invalid, then a 300 second wait will be used.
  • The 'X-Requested-By' header is used to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The value is an arbitrary name such as 'MyClient'.
Body ()

Must contain the following fields:

Root Schema : Arguments
Type: object
Title: Arguments
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  • The number of seconds to allow the operation to run before stopping processing. If set to 0, the default is used. The default is to use Inactive Connection Timeout Seconds if set or 60 seconds. If you want a minimal timeout, set the value to 1. If you want no timeout, set it to a large value (not recommended).

  • Type: basic
    Description: A user in the Admin security role.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns the following fields:

Body ()
Root Schema : Return
Type: object
Title: Return
Show Source
Nested Schema : JDBC Data Source Task Runtime Reference
Type: array
Title: JDBC Data Source Task Runtime Reference
Contains the JDBC data source task runtime reference.

Returns the action's result.

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