3 Bugs Fixed and Enhancements

This chapter describes the bugs fixed and enhancements at the time of release.

The Bug number is the number of the BugDB ticket. For questions on specific tickets or issues, consult Oracle Support.

3.1 Release 23ai (23.5) — August 2024

Bug 36873399: Replicat throws the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36859823: Snowflake | Enable FIPS compliant JDBC Driver

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36838069: Stage/Merge deprecate legacy aggregation parameter [gg.aggregate.operations.flush.interval]

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36836496: Changes to S3 Event Handler to support different credential scenarios.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36836410: Upgrade Jipher to latest version

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36832779: Redshift - Enable case sensitive object names

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36821177: Security issue found in Parquet dependency.

The following security bug was fixed:
  • CVE-2024-36114 found in aircompressor-0.21.jar dependency

Bug 36816209 : Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Anaytics (GG for DAA) GoldenGate Service UI GBQ throws error GGBQMDP-00010 Credential configurations are not set for BigQuery Metadata provider.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36793550: Change the log messages when Jipher JCE is loaded and not loaded

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36759278: Remove the Command Event Handler

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36756993: The File Writer replicat throws wrong error on JSON formatter For input string: "Inf"

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36756990: Fortify fixes - SSL is marked as a weak transport. Use TLSv1.3 instead SSL.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36732532: RestartAbend event handling is not handled properly.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36716267: Redis Handler - Fix setting of socket timeout

This issue has been fixed.

3.2 Release 23ai — July 2024

Bug 36458275 - Oracle GoldenGate:Snowflake Initial load replicat is running slow

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36360286 - GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics (GG for DAA) Oracle to Azure Synapse data loss event Oracle database to Azure Synapse.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36359065 - Kafka CDC encountered an error. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/snappy- libsnappyjava.so: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36300149 - GG for DAA - GCS - gg.aggregate.operations.flush.interval for 5 minutes after testing with large tables. sometimes its hanging and giving the errors.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36281997 - Oracle GoldenGate-> Synapse ABENDED with error Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_L

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36124720 - Handler log shows an error “handler appears to be hung”, Replicat does not abend, it just keeps creating temp files

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36087118 - GG for DAA 21.12 MA - Can't stop REPLICAT process

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 36086306 - GoldenGate Service: In-progress Snowflake queries continue running after abnormal termination of replicat session

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 35638315 - GoldenGate Solace queue count is increasing.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 35075323 - GG for DAA for BigQuery - BigQuery to be able to turn off the primary key requirement, eliminating making all columns part of a primary key.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 34997626 - Oracle to Snowflake - DELETE and INSERT operation is performed on the same row of a table, that the MERGE operation fails.

This issue has been fixed.

Bug 33052999 - GG for DAA | Stage and Merge | Operation Aggregator to reduce the amount of data cached in memory

This issue has been fixed.