10.5 Using the Recommended Manager Parameters

The following parameters are optional, but recommended, for the Manager process.

  • AUTOSTART: Starts Extract and Replicat processes when Manager starts. This parameter is required in a cluster configuration, and is useful when Oracle GoldenGate activities must begin immediately at system startup. (Requires Manager to be part of the startup routine.) You can use multiple AUTOSTART statements in the same parameter file. See AUTOSTARTin Reference for Oracle GoldenGatefor more information.

  • AUTORESTART: Starts Extract and Replicat processes again after abnormal termination. This parameter is required in a cluster configuration, but is also useful in any configuration to ensure continued processing. See AUTORESTARTin Reference for Oracle GoldenGatefor more information.

  • PURGEOLDEXTRACTS: Purges trail files when Oracle GoldenGate is finished processing them. Without PURGEOLDEXTRACTS, no purging is performed and trail files can consume significant disk space. For best results, use PURGEOLDEXTRACTS as a Manager parameter, not as an Extract or Replicat parameter. See PURGEOLDEXTRACTSin Reference for Oracle GoldenGatefor more information.

  • STARTUPVALIDATIONDELAY | STARTUPVALIDATIONDELAYCSECS: Sets a delay time after which Manager validates the run status of a process. Startup validation makes Oracle GoldenGate users aware of processes that fail before they can generate an error message or process report. See STARTUPVALIDATIONDELAYCSECSin Reference for Oracle GoldenGatefor more information.