Viewing a Parameter File

You can view a parameter file directly from the command shell of the operating system, or you can view it from the GGSCI user interface. To view the file from GGSCI, use the VIEW PARAMS command.

VIEW PARAMS group_name


group_name is either mgr (for Manager) or the name of the Extract or Replicat group that is associated with the parameter file.


Do not use VIEW PARAMS to view an existing parameter file that is in a character set other than that of the local operating system (such as one where the CHARSET option was used to specify a different character set). The contents may become corrupted. View the parameter file from outside GGSCI.

If the parameter file was created in a location other than the dirprm sub-directory of the Oracle GoldenGate directory, specify the full path name as shown in the following example.

VIEW PARAMS c:\lpparms\replp.prm