Use ADD DISTPATH to create a distribution path.


 ADD DISTPATH path-name
          SOURCE source-uri 
          TARGET target-uri|
         [TARGETTYPE ( MANAGER | COLLECTOR | RECVSRVR ) ]|                 [
          ENCRYPTIONPROFILE encryption-profile-name ]

The unique name of the distribution path you want to add.


Specifies the source URI after the source keyword to indicate where the data is originated. The format of this URI contains the protocol (only supports trail), hostname, port number of the Distribution Server, and location of the source trail files.


Specifies the target URI after the target keyword to indicate where the data will be sent to. The format of this URI is:

a supported protocol, udt, ogg, web socket ws, or secure web socket wss

a hostname,

the port number of the Receiver Server,

and the location of the target trail files.


Specifies the target type in case the distribution path uses the legacy protocol. This argument is only valid if the target URI schema is ogg://.

Choose MANAGER if the target is a legacy deployment with a manager running.

Choose COLLECTOR if the target is a legacy deployment with a static collector running.

Choose RECVSRVR if the target is an Microservices Architecture deployment with a Receiver Server running.

Specifies the name of the encryption profile for the distribution path.


ADD DISTPATH path1  SOURCE trail://localhost:9002/services/v2/sources?trail=a1 
                    TARGET wss://localhost:9003/services/v2/targets?trail=t1 

The target trail must specify the directory that contains your trail files. The default dirdat directory is used in this example.

ADD DISTPATH path1  SOURCE trail://localhost:9002/services/v2/sources?trail=a1 
                    TARGET ogg://localhost:9003/services/v2/targets?trail=dirdat/t1 
                    TARGETTYPE MANAGER

A fully-qualified alias.


An alias from a default domain.

ADD DISTPATH ws://default_alias+OracleGoldenGate@host:port

A credential store is not used; DS base64-encode user:password into the Authorization header.
