Use CONNECT to connect to an Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager to execute other commands. You must connect to your Service Manager before you can execute most of the Admin Client commands.

Admin client allows connections when the server uses a self-signed certificate though this is not the default. Admin Client does not allow connecting to a server through HTTPS when the self-signed certificate is invalid. To override this behavior, use the ! modifier with the CONNECT command.

For example, when using the Admin Client to connect to the Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture services that are secured with a self-signed SSL certificate, you must use a command with the ! modifier:

CONNECT https://myserver.example.org as oggadmin !


CONNECT server-url deployment-name proxy-uri user-name password

The URL of the Service Manager that you want to connect to.


The name of the deployment that you want to connect to on the specified Service Manager. If only one deployment (except for Service Manager) is defined, that deployment is the default. Otherwise, there is not a default deployment and the DEPLOYMENT deployment-name option must be used.


The URI of your proxy server in the schema://hostname[:port-number] format.


The user name for the specified Service Manager.


The password for the specified user name. If you do not specify the password, you are prompted for it.


CONNECT http://prodserver.mysite.com:9700 deployment Atlanta_1 as oggadmin password welcome1