Use INFO PARAM to retrieve the parameter definition information. If a name matches multiple records, they are all displayed. If the query parameter has child options, they are not displayed in the output though their names are listed in the Options tab. To display the full record of an option, the full name in the form of parameter.option should be queried separately.

This parameter infrastructure allows unlimited levels of options. So, the full name of a parameter or option might have numbers of segments, such as A.B.C.D.



The name of a parameter, an option, or a full name that is part of the several names concatenated together using dot ('.') as the delimiter.

Example 1

The following example uses GETINSERTS with INFO PARAM along with the output.

OGG (https://localhost:15000 Atlanta) 38> info param getinserts
param name  : getinserts
opposite    : ignoreinserts
description : Include insert records.
argument    : boolean
default     : true
component(s): EXTRACT - All
            : REPLICAT - All
platform(s) : All
database(s) : All
status      : current
mandatory   : false
dynamic     : false
relations   : none

Example 2

The following example uses the DBOPTIONS.DEFERREFCONST with INFO PARAM to show how to get specific details about a parameter option.

OGG (https://localhost:15000 Atlanta) 42> info param dboptions.deferrefconst
param name  : dboptions.deferrefconst
description : Sets constraints to DEFERRABLE to delay the checking and enforcement of cascade delete and cascade update referential integrity constraints by the Oracle target database until the Replicat transaction is committed.
component(s): REPLICAT - All
platform(s) : All
database(s) : Oracle 8
            : Oracle 9i
            : Oracle 10g
            : Oracle 11g
            : Oracle 12c
            : Oracle 18c
            : Oracle 19c
status      : current
mandatory   : false
dynamic     : false
relations   : none