Use INFO TRANDATA to get the following information:

  • DB2 LUW and DB2 z/OS: Determine whether DATA CAPTURE is enabled or not.

  • Oracle: Determine whether supplemental logging is enabled, and to show the names of columns that are being logged supplementary. If all columns are being logged, the notation ALL is displayed instead of individual column names. Displays any SCN instantiation information.

  • SQL Server: Determine whether or not extended logging is enabled for a table.

  • PostgreSQL: Determine whether supplemental logging is enabled and to show the current REPLICA IDENTITY setting.

Use the DBLOGIN command to establish a database connection before using this command.

Admin Client Syntax

INFO TRANDATA [container.]owner.table

GGSCI Syntax

INFO TRANDATA [container.]owner.table [NOVALIDATE]

The pluggable database (if this is an Oracle multitenant container database), owner and name of the table or file for which you want to view trandata information. The owner is not required if it is the same as the login name that was specified by the DBLOGIN command. A wildcard can be used for the table name but not the owner name.


Suppresses additional information about the table being handled being processed by ADD TRANDATA. By default, this option is enabled. The additional information processing creates a lapse time on command response so this option can be used to increase response time.


INFO TRANDATA finance.acct
INFO TRANDATA finance.ac*