Use the RENEW MASTERKEY command to create a new version of the master encryption key in the master-key wallet. The key name remains the same, but the bit ordering is different. All versions of a master key remain in the wallet until they are marked for deletion with the DELETE MASTERKEY command and then the wallet is purged with the PURGE WALLET command.

The OPEN WALLET command must be used before using this command or any of the commands that add or delete the master keys or purge the wallet.

After renewing a master key in a wallet that is not maintained centrally on shared storage, the updated wallet must be copied to all of the other systems in the Oracle GoldenGate configuration that use this wallet. Before doing so, Extract must be stopped and then all of the downstream Oracle GoldenGate processes must be allowed to finish processing their trails and then be stopped. After the wallet is copied into place, the processes can be started again..

The use of a wallet and master key is not supported for the DB2 for i, DB2 z/OS, and NonStop platforms.


