Removing Oracle GoldenGate Database Objects

Follow these instructions to remove supplemental logging and any Oracle GoldenGate CDC Cleanup objects from the source database in the Oracle GoldenGate capture configuration, and to remove the Replicat checkpoint table in the apply configuration. Specific steps and commands may not apply to your configuration.

On a Source System:

  1. Log on as the system administrator or as a user with permission to issue Oracle GoldenGate commands and delete files and directories from the operating system.

  2. Run ggsci.exe from the Oracle GoldenGate directory.

  3. Stop all Oracle GoldenGate processes if not already done.

    STOP ER *
  4. Stop the Manager process.

  5. Issue the following command to log into the source database, see SOURCEDB.

    DBLOGIN SOURCEDB data_source{, USERID user, PASSWORD password | USERIDALIAS alias}
  6. Remove any heartbeat table entries by running the DELETE HEARTBEATTABLE command.

  7. For a CDC Capture configuration, remove the Oracle GoldenGate CDC Cleanup job and objects if they were created.

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the Oracle GoldenGate installation folder.

    2. Run the ogg_cdc_cleanup_setup.bat file as follows:
      ogg_cdc_cleanup_setup.bat dropJob userid password database_name servername\instancename schema

      The userid password must be a valid SQL Server login and password for a sysadmin user. database_name servername\instancename are the source database name and instance name. If only server name is listed, then the default instance will be connected to. schema is the schema name listed in the GLOBALSfile, with the GGSCHEMA parameter. This schema should be the same for all Oracle GoldenGate objects, including supplemental logging, checkpoint tables, heartbeat tables, and the Oracle GoldenGate CDC Cleanup job.

      For example:

      ogg_cdc_cleanup_setup.bat dropJob ggsuser ggspword db1 server1\inst1 ogg
  8. Use this command to remove supplemental logging from tables that were enabled with it, see DELETE TRANDATA. Remove supplemental logging for any filter tables used for bi-directional replication as well. You can use a wildcard to specify multiple table names.

    DELETE TRANDATA owner.table

On a Target System:

  1. Stop Replicat.
    STOP REPLICAT group  
  2. Issue the following command to log into the target database, see SOURCEDB.
  3. Remove the Replicat checkpoint tables and heartbeat by running the DELETE CHECKPOINTTABLE and DELETE HEARTBEATTABLEcommands.