Valid For



Use the CHARMAP parameter to specify that the character mapping file overrides the character code point mapping. By enabling character set conversion for same character sets, you may encounter performance degradation.


The encoding of the parameter file is operating system default character set.


CHARMAP charmap filename 

The character mapping file format is as follows:

       -- Sample character mapping file. 
       --    Can use -- or COMMENT as comment line. 
       --    Can use CHARSET parameter to specify file encoding. 
       -- Source character set 
       SOURCECHARSET     shiftjis 
       -- Target character set 
       TARGETCHARSET     ja16euc 
       -- Character map definition by one code point. 
       --   left hand is source and right hand target code point. 
       \xa2c1     \x89\xa2\xb7        -- override \xa2c1 to \x89\xa2\xb7 
       -- Character map definition by range. Number of source and target characters must be the same. 
      \x61 - \x7a        \x41 - \x5a 


In the following example, the character map definition is given using a character mapping text file:

CHARMAP charmapdesc.txt


This enables strict character set conversion and check code point even if the source and target are the same.

Add the following to your character mapping file:

      SOURCECHARSET   windows-932 
      TARGETCHARSET   windows-932 
      \x61 - \x7a    \x41 - \x5a