Valid For

Extract and Replicat


Use the GETDELETES and IGNOREDELETES parameters to control whether or not Oracle GoldenGate processes DELETE operations. These parameters are table-specific. One parameter remains in effect for all subsequent TABLE or MAP statements, until the other parameter is encountered.

Because you can selectively enable or disable these parameters between MAP statements, you can enable or disable them for different threads of a coordinated Replicat. Specify the GETDELETES threads in one set of MAP statements, and specify the IGNOREDELETES threads in a different set of MAP statements.

If this parameter is used, and a primary key or unique key is reused then that Replicat may get a duplicate primary key or unique key error when it attempts to apply the insert. You need to disable this constraint (and leave the index) on the target. If this is done, the source table gets supplemental logging on all columns. Use KEYCOLS (*) in the TABLE statement on the source, so that the Replicat has all the necessary columns to perform any update operations.






This example shows how you can apply GETDELETES and IGNOREDELETES selectively to different MAP statements, each of which represents a different thread of a coordinated Replicat.

MAP sales.cust, TARGET sales.cust, THREAD (1);
MAP sales.ord, TARGET sales.ord, THREAD (2);
MAP sales.loc, TARGET sales.loc, THREAD (3);

In this example, delete operation on sales.loc is skipped. As a best practice, you should re-enable GETDELETES.