Valid For

Replicat (Oracle Nonintegrated mode)


Use the INSERTAPPEND and NOINSERTAPPEND parameters to control whether or not a Replicat operating in nonintegrated mode uses an APPEND hint when it applies INSERT operations (used for array binding) to Oracle target tables. These parameters are valid only for Oracle databases and are only compatible with BATCHSQL mode.

INSERTAPPEND causes Replicat to use the APPEND_VALUES hint when it applies INSERT operations to Oracle target tables. It is appropriate for use as a performance improvement when the replicated transactions are large and contain multiple inserts into the same table. If the transactions are small, using INSERTAPPEND can cause a performance decrease. For more information about when APPEND hints should be used, consult the Oracle documentation.

The BATCHSQL parameter must be used when using INSERTAPPEND. Replicat will abend if BATCHSQL is not used.

These parameters can be used in two ways: When used as standalone parameters at the root of the parameter file, one remains in effect for all subsequent TABLE or MAP statements, until the other is encountered. When used within a MAP statement, they override any standalone INSERTAPPEND or NOINSERTAPPEND entry that precedes the MAP statement.

If the table is compressed with row compression or hybrid columnar compression, DML applied by the Replicat is not compressed even when using this parameter.

See "TABLE | MAP" for more information about the MAP parameter.






Example 1   

The following is part of a Replicat parameter file that shows how INSERTAPPEND is used for all of the tables in the fin schema, except for the inventory table.

MAP fin.*, TARGET fin2.*;
MAPEXCLUDE fin.inventory;
MAP fin.inventory, TARGET fin2.inventory;
Example 2   

The following is part of a Replicat parameter file that shows how INSERTAPPEND is used for all of the tables in the MAP statements, except for the inventory table.

MAP fin.orders, TARGET fin.orders;
MAP fin.customers, TARGET fin.customers;
MAP fin.inventory, TARGET fin.inventory, NOINSERTAPPEND;