Valid For

Replicat (Not supported in integrated and parallel Replicat mode)


Use the MAXTRANSOPS parameter to split large source transactions into smaller ones on the target system. This parameter can be used when the target database is not configured to accommodate large transactions. For example, if the Oracle rollback segments are not large enough on the target to reproduce a source transaction that performs one million deletes, you could specify MAXTRANSOPS 10000, which forces Replicat to issue a commit after each group of 10,000 deletes.

To use MAXTRANSOPS is to alter the transactional boundaries that are imposed by the source application, even though Replicat applies the operations in the correct order. This can cause errors if Extract fails during that transaction. Extract rewrites the transaction to the end of the trail, instead of overwriting the old one. Because the trail is sequential, Replicat starts processing the old transaction and must roll it back when it receives the recovery marker and the new transaction, and then start applying the new transaction. If MAXTRANSOPS caused Replicat to split the original transaction into multiple smaller transactions, Replicat may only be able to roll back the portion that was not committed to the target. When Replicat processes the committed operations again, they will result in duplicate-row errors or missing-row errors, depending on the SQL operation type. The minimum is 1.


When troubleshooting Replicat abend errors, Oracle Support may request GROUPTRANSOPS to be set to 1 and MAXTRANSOPS to be set to 1. This is only a temporary configuration for troubleshooting purposes and should not be used permanently in production, or it will cause data integrity errors.





The number of operations to portion into a single transaction group.
