Valid For

Extract and Replicat


Use the TRACE and TRACE2 parameters to capture Extract or Replicat processing information to help reveal processing bottlenecks. Both support the tracing of DML and DDL.

Tracing also can be turned on and off by using the SEND EXTRACT or SEND REPLICAT command in GGSCI. .

Contact Oracle Support for assistance if the trace reveals significant processing bottlenecks.


No tracing


[, [FILE] file_name]
[, THREADS (threadID[, threadID][, ...][, thread_range[, thread_range][, ...])]

Provides step-by-step processing information.


Identifies the code segments on which Extract or Replicat is spending the most time.


(Replicat only) Enables DDL tracing and specifies how DDL tracing is included in the trace report.


Traces DDL and also traces transactional data processing. This is the default. Either DDL or DDLINCLUDE is valid.


Traces DDL but does not trace transactional data.

[FILE] file_name

The relative or fully qualified name of a file to which Oracle GoldenGate logs the trace information. The FILE keyword is optional, but must be used if other parameter options will follow the file name, for example:


If no other options will follow the file name, the FILE keyword can be omitted, for example:

THREADS (threadID[, threadID][, ...][, thread_range[, thread_range][, ...])

Enables tracing only for the specified thread or threads of a coordinated Replicat. Tracing is only performed for threads that are active at runtime.

threadID[, threadID][, ...]

Specifies a thread ID or a comma-delimited list of threads in the format of threadID, threadID, threadID.

[, thread_range[, thread_range][, ...]

Specifies a range of threads in the form of threadIDlow-threadIDhigh or a comma-delimited list of ranges in the format of threadIDlow-threadIDhigh, threadIDlow-threadIDhigh.

A combination of these formats is permitted, such as threadID, threadID, threadIDlow-threadIDhigh.

If the Replicat is in coordinated mode and TRACE is used with a THREADS list or range, a trace file is created for each currently active thread. Each file name is appended with its associated thread ID. This method of identifying trace files by thread ID does not apply when SEND REPLICAT is issued by groupname with threadID (as in SEND REPLICAT fin003 TRACE...) or when only one thread is specified with THREADS.

Contact Oracle Support for assistance if the trace reveals significant processing bottlenecks.


Example 1   

The following traces to a file named trace.trc. If this is a coordinated Replicat group, the tracing applies to all active threads.

TRACE /home/ggs/dirrpt/trace.trc
Example 2   

The following enables tracing for only thread 1. In this case, because only one thread is being traced, the trace file will not have a threadID extension. The file name is trace.trc.

TRACE THREADS(1) FILE ./dirrpt/trace.trc
Example 3   

The following enables tracing for threads 1,2, and 3. Assuming all threads are active, the tracing produces files trace001, trace002, and trace003.

TRACE THREADS(1-3) FILE ./dirrpt/trace.trc