Use EXIT_CALL_TYPE to indicate when, during processing, the Extract or Replicat process (the caller) calls a user exit routine. A process can call a routine with the following calls.

Table 3-1 User Exit Calls

Call type Processing point


Valid when the RECOVERYOPTIONS mode is APPEND (the default). Called when a data pump or Replicat reads a RESTART ABEND record from the trail, placed there by a writer process that abended. (The writer process can be the primary Extract writing to a local trail read by a data pump, or a data pump writing to a remote trail read by Replicat.) This call type enables the user exit to abort or discard the transaction that was left incomplete when the writer process stopped, and then to recover and resume processing at the start of the previous completed transaction.


Called just before either of the following:

  • a BEGIN record of a transaction that is read by a data pump

  • the start of a Replicat transaction


Called just before an Extract or Replicat checkpoint is written.


Called during Extract processing before an ASCII input record is written to the discard file. The associated ASCII buffer can be retrieved and manipulated by the user exit using callback routines.

This call type is not applicable for use with the Replicat process.


Called during Replicat processing before a record is written to the discard file. Records can be discarded for several reasons, such as when a value in the Oracle GoldenGate change record is different from the current version in the target table.The associated discard buffer can be retrieved and manipulated by the user exit using callback routines.

This call type is not applicable for use with the Extract process.


Called just after either of the following:

  • an END record of a transaction that is read by a data pump

  • the last record in a Replicat transaction


Called during Extract or Replicat processing just before Oracle GoldenGate terminates after a fatal error.


Called during Replicat processing when a marker from a NonStop server is read from the trail, and before writing to the marker history file.


  • For Extract, called before a record buffer is output to the trail.

  • For Replicat, called just before a replicated operation is performed.

This call is the basis of most user exit processing. When EXIT_CALL_PROCESS_RECORD is called, the record buffer and other record information are available to the user exit through callback routines. If source-target mapping is specified in the parameter file, the mapping is performed before the EXIT_CALL_PROCESS_RECORD event takes place. The user exit can map, transform, clean, or perform virtually any other operation with the record. The user exit can return a status indicating whether the caller should process or ignore the record.


Called at the start of processing. The user exit can perform initialization work, such as opening files and initializing variables.


Called before the process stops gracefully or ends abnormally. The user exit can perform completion work, such as closing files or outputting totals.


Set by the user exit routines to instruct the caller how to respond when each exit call completes.