Path Actions

After a new path is added, you can perform actions such as stop or pause a path, view reports and statistics, reposition the path, change its filtering, and delete a path.

On the Overview page of the Distribution Service, click the Action button next the Distribution Path name. From the drop-down list, you can use the following path actions:

  • Details: Use this option to view details of the path. You can view the path information including the source and target. You can also edit the description of the path. Statistical data is also displayed including metrics for LCR Read from Trails, LCR Sent, LCR Filtered, DDL, Procedure, DML inserts, updates, and deletes, and so on. You can also update the App Options and TCP Options.
  • Start or Stop: Use these options to start or stop a path. If the path isn’t started, the Start option is displayed instead of the Stop option. For a target-initiated distribution path, you can only stop this path from the Distribution Service and cannot delete or start it from the Distribution Service. After you stop the path, it'll not be available on the Distrbution Service.
  • Delete: Use this option to delete a path. This option is available only when the path is in stopped state. Click Yes on the confirmation screen to complete path deletion.
  • Reposition: Use this option to change the Source Sequence Number and Source RBA Offset
  • Change Filtering: Use this option to enter sharding, DML filtering, DDL filtering, Procedure filtering, and Tag filtering options.

Depending on the action you select, you can see the change in status at the bottom of the Overview page.