Configure the Database to Archive Standby Redo Log Files Locally

This procedure configures the downstream mining database to archive the standby redo logs that receive redo data from the online redo logs of the source database. Keep in mind that foreign archived logs should not be archived in the recovery area of the downstream mining database.

To Archive Standby Redo Logs Locally:

  1. At the downstream mining database, set the second archive log destination in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter as shown in the following example.
    ALTER SYSTEM SET LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='LOCATION=/home/arc_dest/srl_dbms1 

    Oracle recommends that foreign archived logs (logs from remote source databases) be kept separate from local mining database log files, and from each other. You must not use the recovery area of the downstream mining database to stage foreign archived logs.

  2. Enable the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 parameter you set in the previous step as shown in the following example.