How DDL is Evaluated for Processing

Learn about the order in which different criteria in the Oracle GoldenGate parameters are processed, and the differences between how Extract and Replicat each process the DDL.


  1. Extract captures a DDL statement.

  2. Extract separates comments, if any, from the main statement.

  3. Extract searches for the DDL parameter. (This example assumes it exists.)

  4. Extract searches for the IGNOREREPLICATES parameter. If it is present, and if Replicat produced this DDL on this system, Extract ignores the DDL statement. (This example assumes no Replicat operations on this system.)

  5. Extract determines whether the DDL statement is a RENAME. If so, the rename is flagged internally.

  6. Extract gets the base object name and, if present, the derived object name.

  7. If the statement is a RENAME, Extract changes it to ALTER TABLE RENAME.

  8. Extract searches for the DDLOPTIONS REMOVECOMMENTS BEFORE parameter. If it is present, Extract removes the comments from the DDL statement, but stores them in case there is a DDL INCLUDE or DDL EXCLUDE clause that uses INSTR or INSTRCOMMENTS.

  9. Extract determines the DDL scope: MAPPED, UNMAPPED or OTHER:

    • It is MAPPED if the operation and object types are supported for mapping, and the base object name and/or derived object name (if RENAME) is in a TABLE parameter.

    • It is UNMAPPED if the operation and object types are not supported for mapping, and the base object name and/or derived object name (if RENAME) is not in a TABLE parameter.

    • Otherwise the operation is identified as OTHER.

  10. Extract checks the DDL parameter for INCLUDE and EXCLUDE clauses, and it evaluates the DDL parameter criteria in those clauses. All options must evaluate to TRUE in order for the INCLUDE or EXCLUDE to evaluate to TRUE. The following occurs:

    • If an EXCLUDE clause evaluates to TRUE, Extract discards the DDL statement and evaluates another DDL statement. In this case, the processing steps start over.

    • If an INCLUDE clause evaluates to TRUE, or if the DDL parameter does not have any INCLUDE or EXCLUDE clauses, Extract includes the DDL statement, and the processing logic continues.

  11. Extract searches for a DDLSUBST parameter and evaluates the INCLUDE and EXCLUDE clauses. If the criteria in those clauses add up to TRUE, Extract performs string substitution. Extract evaluates the DDL statement against each DDLSUBST parameter in the parameter file. For all true DDLSUBST specifications, Extract performs string substitution in the order that the DDLSUBST parameters are listed in the file.

  12. Now that DDLSUBT has been processed, Extract searches for the REMOVECOMMENTS AFTER parameter. If it is present, Extract removes the comments from the DDL statement.

  13. Extract searches for DDLOPTIONS ADDTRANDATA. If it is present, and if the operation is CREATE TABLE, Extract issues the ALTER TABLE name ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP command on the table.

  14. Extract writes the DDL statement to the trail.