MAP Exists for Base and Derived Objects

If there is a MAP statement for the base object and also one for the derived object, the result is an explicit mapping. Assuming the DDL statement includes MAPPED, Replicat converts the schema and name of each object according to its own TARGET clause. For example, assume the following:

Extract (source)

TABLE*;  TABLE hr.index*;

Replicat (target)

MAP*, TARGET hrBackup.*;MAP hr.index*, TARGET hrIndex.*;

Assume the following source DDL statement:

CREATE INDEX hr.indexPayrollDate ON TABLE hr.tabPayroll (payDate);

The CREATE INDEX statement is executed by Replicat on the target as follows:

CREATE INDEX hrIndex.indexPayrollDate ON TABLE hrBackup.tabPayroll (payDate);

Use an explicit mapping when the index on the target must be owned by a different schema from that of the base object, or when the name on the target must be different from that of the source.