Parallel Processing

If using parallel Extract and/or Replicat processes, keep related DDL and DML together in the same process stream to ensure data integrity. Configure the processes so that:

  • all DDL and DML for any given object are processed by the same Extract group and by the same Replicat group.

  • all objects that are relational to one another are processed by the same process group.

For example, if repe processes DML for EMPLOYEES, then it should also process the DDL for EMPLOYEES. If APPRAISAL has a foreign key to EMPLOYEES, then its DML and DDL operations also should be processed by repe.

If an Extract group writes to multiple trails that are read by different Replicat groups, Extract sends all of the DDL to all of the trails. Use each Replicat group to filter the DDL by using the filter options of the DDL parameter in the Replicat parameter file.