Viewing DDL Reporting in Extract

The Extract report lists the following:

  • The entire syntax of each captured DDL operation, the start and end SCN, the Oracle instance, the DDL sequence number (from the SEQNO column of the history table), and the size of the operation in bytes.

  • A subsequent entry that shows how processing criteria was applied to the operation, for example string substitution or INCLUDE and EXCLUDE filtering.

  • Another entry showing whether the operation was written to the trail or excluded.

The following, taken from an Extract report, shows an included operation and an excluded operation. There is a report message for the included operation, but not for the excluded one.

2011-01-20 15:11:41  GGS INFO     2100  DDL found, operation [create table myTable (
    myId number (10) not null,
    myNumber number,
    myString varchar2(100),
    myDate date,
    primary key (myId)
) ], start SCN [1186754], commit SCN [1186772] instance [test11g (1)], DDL seqno [4134].
2011-01-20 15:11:41  GGS INFO     2100  DDL operation included [INCLUDE OBJNAME myTable*], optype [CREATE], objtype [TABLE], objname [QATEST1.MYTABLE].
2011-01-20 15:11:41  GGS INFO     2100  DDL operation written to extract trail file.
2011-01-20 15:11:42  GGS INFO     2100  Successfully added TRAN DATA for table with the key, table [QATEST1.MYTABLE], operation [ALTER TABLE "QATEST1"."MYTABLE" ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP "GGS_MYTABLE_53475" (MYID) ALWAYS  /* GOLDENGATE_DDL_REPLICATION */ ].
2011-01-20 15:11:43  GGS INFO     2100  DDL found, operation [create table myTableTemp (
    vid varchar2(100),
    someDate date,
    primary key (vid)
) ], start SCN [1186777], commit SCN [1186795] instance [test11g (1)], DDL seqno [4137].
2011-01-20 15:11:43  GGS INFO     2100  DDL operation excluded [EXCLUDE OBJNAME myTableTemp OPTYPE CREATE], optype [CREATE], objtype [TABLE], objname [QATEST1.MYTABLETEMP].