Use DELETE REPLICAT to delete a Replicat group. This command deletes the checkpoint file but leaves the parameter file intact. Then you can re-create the group or delete the parameter file as needed. This command frees up trail files for purging, because the checkpoints used by the deleted group are removed (assuming no other processes are reading the file).

Use the DBLOGIN command before deleting any Replicats so that the checkpoint data or any internal information stored in the database for that Replicat can also be cleaned up.

Before using DELETE REPLICAT, stop Replicat with the STOP REPLICAT command.

If this is an integrated Replicat (Oracle only) or a non-integrated Replicat that uses a checkpoint table, do the following after you stop Replicat:

  1. Log into the database by using the DBLOGIN command. DBLOGIN enables DELETE REPLICAT to delete the checkpoints from the checkpoint table of a non-integrated Replicat or to delete the inbound server that an integrated Replicat uses.



DELETE REPLICAT group_name [!]

The name of a Replicat group or a wildcard (*) to specify multiple groups. For example, T* deletes all Replicat groups whose names begin with T.


Use this option to force the Replicat group to be deleted if the DBLOGIN command is not issued before the DELETE REPLICAT command is issued. If the group is a non-integrated Replicat, this option deletes the group's checkpoints from the checkpoint file on disk, but not from the checkpoint table in the database. If using this option to delete an integrated Replicat group, you must use the UNREGISTER REPLICAT command to delete the inbound server from the target database. This option can also be used to ignore the prompt that occurs when a wildcard specifies multiple groups.


The basic DELETE REPLICAT command commits an existing Replicat transaction, but the ! option prevents the commit.
