Use this to open the GLOBALS parameter file for editing in the default text editor. The default text editor is set using the SET EDITOR command.

After the globals file has been modified, when you leave the editor, the globals parameter file is checked to ensure its valid.




The following examples show how Admin Client checks the validity of the parameter file.

When you run the EDIT GLOBALS command and the paramater file is valid, then the editor opens up to allow editing the GLOBALS parameters. If the file doesn't pass the validity check, then the following error is displayed:

The output displays:
2019-11-21T21:01:21Z  ERROR   OGG-10143  (GLOBALS) line 2: Parameter [junkasdsad] is unrecognized.  No parameter definition with that name could be found.

2019-11-21T21:01:21Z  ERROR   OGG-10184  Parameter file GLOBALS:  Validity check: FAIL