Table of Contents
- Title and Copyright Information
- Preface
Licensing Information
- 1.1 Oracle GoldenGate Products
- 1.2 Oracle GoldenGate
- 1.3 Oracle GoldenGate for Non-Oracle Database
- 1.4 Oracle GoldenGate for Mainframe
- 1.5 Oracle GoldenGate for Teradata Replication Services
- 1.6 Oracle GoldenGate Application Adapters
- 1.7 Oracle GoldenGate for Distributed Applications and Analytics
- 1.8 Oracle GoldenGate Foundation Suite
- 1.9 Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data Targets
- 1.10 Oracle GoldenGate Free
Third-Party Licenses
- 2.1 Copy of Licenses for hadoop client 3.3.3
- 2.2 Copy of Licenses for Parquet Avro 1.12.2
- 2.3 Copy of Licenses for Log4J 2.13.3
- 2.4 Copy of Licenses for Snowflake JDBC Driver 3.13.27
- 2.5 Copy of Licenses for OCI SDK for Java 2.23.0
- 2.6 Copy of Licenses for Oracle NoSQL SDK for Java 5.3.5
- 2.7 Copy of Licenses for azure-storage-blob 12.19.1
- 2.8 Eclipse Public License - V2.0
- 2.9 Copy of Licenses for Jackson Databind 2.12.1
- 2.10 Copy of Licenses for DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra 2.14
- 2.11 Copy of Licenses for kafka-connect-avro-converter 7.2.1
- 2.12 Copy of Licenses for kafka-connect-json-converter 7.2.1
- 2.13 Copy of Licenses for msgpack-java 0.8.16
- 2.14 Copy of Licenses for Avro-1.9.0
- 2.15 Copy of Licenses for aws-java-sdk-s3 1.12.273
- 2.16 Copy of Licenses for Spring Framework 4.3.20
- 2.17 Antlr
- 2.18 Apache License Version 2
- 2.19 Apache Xerces
- 2.20 BCrypt
- 2.21 Boost C++ Libraries
- 2.22 C-tree Plus
- 2.23 Jackson
- 2.24 ICU
- 2.25 ICU4J License
- 2.26 JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)
- 2.27 Jcommander
- 2.28 JsonCpp
- 2.29 Lightning Memory- Mapped Database Manager (LMDB)
- 2.30 Modernizr
- 2.31 Mustache for Java
- 2.32 OpenSSL
- 2.33 POCO C++ Libraries
- 2.34 Rapid JSON
- 2.35 UDT (UDP-based Data Transfer)
- 2.36 Zlib Data Compression Library 1.2 .11
- 2.37 Jackson JSON processor
- 2.38 Xerces-C++ 3.2.1
- 2.39 TestNG
- 2.40 Mozilla Public License Version 2.0