Distribution Service REST Endpoints

Distribution Service
Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Service
Create a new Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Path
Method: post
Path: /services/{version}/sources/{distpath}
Delete an existing Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Path
Method: delete
Path: /services/{version}/sources/{distpath}
Get a list of distribution paths
Method: get
Path: /services/{version}/sources
Get a list of the deployment extracts with their trail files
Method: get
Path: /services/{version}/exttrails
Retrieve an existing Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Path
Method: get
Path: /services/{version}/sources/{distpath}
Retrieve an existing Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Path Checkpoints
Method: get
Path: /services/{version}/sources/{distpath}/checkpoints
Retrieve an existing Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Path Information
Method: get
Path: /services/{version}/sources/{distpath}/info
Retrieve an existing Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Path Statistics
Method: get
Path: /services/{version}/sources/{distpath}/stats
Update an existing distribution path. A user with the Operator role may change the status property. Any other changes require the Administrator role.
Method: patch
Path: /services/{version}/sources/{distpath}