8.5 install

Use this program to:

  • install event messages (into the registry) so they are displayed in the Windows Event Manager.

  • install the Oracle GoldenGate Manager program as a Windows service.

The install program is installed in the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory or library.

By default, the Manager service is installed to start automatically at system boot time. This can be changed by specifying the MANUALSTART option.

In addition, install can be used to de-install event messages and the Manager service.

Installation of event messages and the Manager program as a service is recommended. For example:

install item [item...] 

In this command item is one of addevents | deleteevents addservice | deleteservice autostart | manualstart and the user credentials:


Adds Oracle GoldenGate events. By default, the errors logged are generic. To display specific content, including the user name and process, the parameter file name, and the error text, copy the category.dll and ggsmsg.dll files from the installation directory to the SYSTEM32 directory.


Deletes Oracle GoldenGate events from the registry.


Adds the Manager program as a Windows service named GGSMGR (default) or a name specified in a GLOBALS file. Create GLOBALS as a text file (uppercase name, no file extension) in the installation directory, and specify the service name with the MGRSERVNAME parameter before running install.

MGRSERVNAME service name>

Removes the Oracle GoldenGate Manager service.


If ADDSERVICE is used, specifies that the service starts at system boot time (the default).


If ADDSERVICE is used, specifies that the service starts only at user request (through GGSCI or the Services applet of the Control Panel). By default, the Manager service starts at system boot time. If ADDSERVICE is used, this adds the Manager program as an interactive Windows service.

USER specification

Specifies a user name for executing Manager. For specification, include the domain name, a backward slash, and the user name., For example, HEADQT\GGSMGR.

PASSWORD password

Specifies the user name password for the USER executing the Manager service. The password must be listed within double quotes.


Specifies a service that the Manager service should wait on before starting. The server name must not contain spaces and can be obtained from the Windows Service Manager applet.

install.exe addservice addevents user hostname\oggmgr password "123abc" waitforservice MSSQL$SQL2008R2