Valid For

Extract data pump and Replicat


Use the SOURCEDEFS parameter to specify the name of a file that contains definitions of source tables or files. Source definitions are not required, by default, when trail files with format Oracle GoldenGate release 12.2.x are used because the trail files contains metadata records with the object definitions. However, source definitions are required when replicating data between heterogenous source and targets using trail files with format Oracle GoldenGate release 12.1.x and lower or when trail files with created with the no_objectdefs option.

Use SOURCEDEFS for one or more of the following processes, depending on your Oracle GoldenGate configuration:

  • A Replicat process on the target system

  • A data pump on a source or intermediary system.

To generate the source-definitions file, use the DEFGEN utility. Transfer the file to the intermediary or target system before starting a data pump or Replicat.

You can have multiple SOURCEDEFS statements in the parameter file if more than one source-definitions file will be used, for example if each SOURCEDEFS file holds the definitions for a distinct application.

Do not use SOURCEDEFS and ASSUMETARGETDEFS in the same parameter file.





The relative or fully qualified name of the file containing the source data definitions.


By default, the table definitions from the metadata records override the definitions from any SOURCEDEFS file.

Specify OVERRIDE to request Replicat to use the definitions from the definitions file instead of the metadata.


Example 1   
SOURCEDEFS dirdef\tcust.def
Example 2   
SOURCEDEFS /ggs/dirdef/source_defs