A.1 Running convprm

To use the convprm tool:

  1. Run convprm with the following syntax:
    convprm [options] input_files


    • {-h | --help} displays usage.

    • {-v |--version} displays version information.

    • {-i | --follow-include} recursively converts files included through an OBEY or INCLUDE parameter.

    • {-n |--no-backup} does not create a copy of the original file.

    • {-s | --silent} does not display status messages.

    • {-q | --quotes} performs quote conversion. This is the default.

    • {-d | --dry-run} does not change the parameter file or create a backup file. It only prints out what would happen as the result of the conversion.

    • input_files is a list of the parameter files that are to be converted. Separate each file name with a white space, for example:

      convprm [options] extfin extacct exthr
  2. Examine the parameter file to make certain the conversion completed successfully. Status messages are displayed at the beginning, during, or at the end of the file conversion process.

On errors, the process abends in the same way as other Oracle GoldenGate executables. All error messages that cause the converter to fail are sent to the Oracle GoldenGate error log.

If you are currently using the USEANSISQLQUOTES parameter, you may remove it or leave it in the parameter files. It is now the default.