About Admin Client

Admin Client is a command line utility. It uses the REST API published by the microservices to accomplish control and configuration tasks in an Oracle GoldenGate deployment.

Admin Client is a command line utility that can be used to created, modify, and remove Oracle GoldenGate processes and can be used in place of the MA web user interface. The Admin Client program is located in the $OGG_HOME/bin directory, where $OGG_HOME is the Oracle GoldenGate home directory.

If you need to automate the Admin Client connection with the deployment, you can use an Oracle Wallet to store the user credentials. The credentials stored must have the following characteristics:
  • Single user name (account) and password

  • Local to the environment where the Admin Client runs

  • Available only to the currently logged user

  • Managed by the Admin Client

  • Referenced using a credential name

  • Available for Oracle GoldenGate deployments and proxy connections.

To use the Admin Client for administration tasks, you need the user credentials that work with both the Service Manager and Administration Service. Here are the configurations required for working with the Admin Client:

  1. Make sure that the bin directory of the Oracle Software is part of the PATH environment variable:
    export PATH=ogg_install_location/bin:$PATH
    If you configure a secure deployment using SSL certificate files (.pem or .der), you must add the OGG_CLIENT_TLS_CAPATH environment variable. This is required to be able to connect to the deployment from Admin Client. This variable is used to specify the location where the certificate files are located on the host. For clients only needing to validate server certificates, the OGG_CLIENT_TLS_CAPATH environment variable should refer to a file containing a trusted CA Certificate that is shared with the server to which the client is expected to connect.
    export OGG_CLIENT_TLS_CAPATH = deployment_rootCA_certificate_location


    For Microsoft Windows, the default certificate file format is .der while all other platforms use .pem as the default format.
  2. Run the command:
    [oracle]$ adminclient
    The output displays the Oracle GoldenGate Admin Client prompt, where you can connect to the deployment from the Admin Client:
    OGG (not connected) 1> 
  3. Connect to a deployment or to a proxy server from the Admin Client as a security user. This is the user you created while adding the deployment for your Oracle GoldenGate instance using OGGCA.
    CONNECT http(s)://localhost:port DEPLOYMENT deployment name AS security role user PASSWORD password


    If the password to connect to a secure or non-secure deployment from the Admin Client has an exclamation mark (!) at the end, then you must enter the password in double quotes when using the CONNECT command in a single line. Otherwise, the password is not accepted and the connection fails. This is required for all deployments with a strong password policy.


    CONNECT server-url [ DEPLOYMENT deployment-name ]
                         [ ( (   AS       deployment-credentials-name
                               | USER     deployment-user-name )
                               [ PASSWORD deployment-password  ] )
                         | TOKEN [ access-token ] ]
                         [ PROXY      proxy-uri
                         [ ( AS       proxy-credentials-name
                         |   USER     proxy-user-name      )
                           [ PASSWORD proxy-password       ] ] ] [ ! ]

    See the CONNECT command in the Command Line Interface Reference for Oracle GoldenGate to know more.


    The deployment credentials cannot be stored as a USERIDALIAS in the credential store because the Oracle wallet used for storing database credentials is managed by the Administration Service. Instead, a separate Oracle wallet is created for the Admin Client. The Oracle wallet is stored in the users home directory.

    The following example shows adding an Oracle GoldenGate deployment user to connect to the deployment from the Admin Client:

    ADD CREDENTIALS admin USER ggadmin PASSWORD *********

    The password for the user is stored in the hidden GoldenGate directory $HOME.

    2019-02-14T00:35:38Z  INFO OGG-15114  Credential store altered.

    The following example shows adding Oracle GoldenGate deployment proxy user to connect to the deployment from the Admin Client:

    ADD CREDENTIALS proxy USER proxyadmin PASSWORD ********
    Here's an example of using the CONNECT command to access a deployment using the Admin Client:
    OGG (Not Connected)4> CONNECT http://www.example.com:12000 deployment EAST PROXY http: as proxyadmin password oggadmin-A2
    Using default deployment 'Local' 
    OGG (http://www.example.com:12000 Local) 4>
  4. You can view the full list of Admin Client commands using the HELP command. Use the HELP SHOWSYNTAX command to view the syntax for specific commands.