Apply SQLEXEC as a Standalone Statement

When used as a standalone parameter statement in the Extract or Replicat parameter file, SQLEXEC can execute a stored procedure, query, or database command. As such, it need not be tied to any specific table and can be used to perform general SQL operations.

For example, if the Oracle GoldenGate database user account is configured to time-out when idle, you could use SQLEXEC to execute a query at a defined interval, so that Oracle GoldenGate does not appear idle. As another example, you could use SQLEXEC to issue an essential database command, such as to disable target triggers. A standalone SQLEXEC statement cannot accept input parameters or return output parameters.

Parameter syntax Purpose
SQLEXEC 'call procedure_name()'

Execute a stored procedure

SQLEXEC 'sql_query'

Execute a query

SQLEXEC 'database_command'

Execute a database command

Argument Description
procedure_name ()'

Specifies the name of a stored procedure to execute. The statement must be enclosed within single quotes.


SQLEXEC 'call prc_job_count ()'

Specifies the name of a query to execute. The query must be contained all on one line and enclosed within single quotes.

Specify case-sensitive object names the way they are stored in the database, such as within double quotes for Oracle object names that are case-sensitive.

SQLEXEC 'SELECT "col1" from "schema"."table"'

Specifies a database command to execute. Must be a valid command for the database.

SQLEXEC provides options to control processing behavior, memory usage, and error handling. For more information, see SQLEXEC in the Parameters and Functions Reference for Oracle GoldenGate.