MAPEXCEPTION is valid when the names of the source and target tables in the MAP statement are wildcarded. Place the MAPEXCEPTION clause in the regular MAP statement, the same one where you map the source tables to the target tables. Replicat maps all operations that generate errors from all of the wildcarded tables to the same exceptions table; therefore, the exceptions table should contain a superset of all of the columns in all of the wildcarded tables.

Because you cannot individually map columns in a wildcard configuration, use the COLMAP clause with the USEDEFAULTS option to handle the column mapping for the wildcarded tables (or use the COLMATCH parameter if appropriate), and use explicit column mappings to map any additional information, such as that captured with column-conversion functions or SQLEXEC.

When using MAPEXCEPTION, include the INSERTALLRECORDS parameter in the MAPEXCEPTION clause. INSERTALLRECORDS causes all operation types to be applied to the exceptions table as INSERT operations. This is required to keep an accurate record of the exceptions and to prevent integrity errors on the exceptions table.

For more information about these parameters, see Parameters and Functions Reference for Oracle GoldenGate.

Example 11-22 MAPEXCEPTION

This is an example of how to use MAPEXCEPTION for exceptions mapping. The MAP and TARGET clauses contain wildcarded source and target table names. Exceptions that occur when processing any table with a name beginning with TRX are captured to the fin.trxexceptions table using the designated mapping.

MAP src.trx*, TARGET trg.*,
MAPEXCEPTION (TARGET fin.trxexceptions,