Automate Maintenance Tasks

You can set up automation of maintenance tasks such as purging trail files, generating lag reports, archiving trail files among others, for efficient management of various resources used with Oracle GoldenGate. In this section, you will learn about automating tasks related to trail file operations.

For automating lag report generation, see Reporting Lag.

Archive Trails

You can choose to archive trails at a specified location, instead of purging trail files. This automation task allows you to automatically archive trail files to a specified location after a certain time duration. To automate archival of trail files:

  1. From the left navigation pane, click Tasks and select Archive Trails.

  2. In the Archive Trails page, click the plus (+) sign next to the Archive Trails Task to open the Create a new Archive Trail Task dialog box.

  3. Enter the following details in the Create a new Archive Trail Task dialog box:
    • Name: Specify a name for the task.

    • Enabled: This toggle switch is enabled by default. You can choose to disable it if you want to keep the task but not activate it.

    • Trails: Specify the name of the trail file for archiving.

    • Archive Subset of Sequence: If you want to archive only a certain sequence from the trail file, then enable this toggle switch. When you enable this option, the Sequence Start and Sequence End boxes get enabled. Specify the sequence start and end values in these text boxes.

    • Archive Target Type: The target type stays as File System but you can specify a subdirectory where the archived trail files are stored.

    • Archive Frequency: Specify the frequency interval for archiving the trail file. The trail file is archived automatically when the specified interval completes.

  4. Click Submit to create the task.

  5. From the Action column of the Archive Trail Tasks table, you can edit or delete the task using the icons.

Purge Trails

When you automate the purge trail task, Oracle GoldenGate peridically removes trail files that were processed or consumed. Automating this task ensures that the trail files are deleted after the specified interval to avoid excessive consumption of disk space. To set up automate purging of trails:

  1. From the Administration Service left navigation pane, click Tasks and select Purge Trails.

  2. Add a Purge Trail task by clicking the + sign .

  3. Assign a name to the task in the Name. The operation name is case sensitive. For example, you can create an operation with the name TASK1 and another operation named task1.

  4. Enter the trail path or trail name in the Trail field.

  5. Click the + sign to add the trail to the Selected Trails list.

  6. If you don’t need to use checkpoints, disable the option Use Checkpoints. However, Oracle recommends using checkpoints. If you don't use checkpoints. the trail will be purged whether or not it has been consumed if the keep rule is met.

  7. Set the Keep Rule value to specify the maximum number of hours, days, or number of files for which the Purge Trails task needs to be active.

  8. Specify the number of hours or days when the purge trails task has to run, in the Purge Frequency field and click Submit.

  9. Use the Purge Trails task table to edit or delete the task, as required.

    Also see PURGE EXTTRAIL.

Purge Process

You can automatically purge processes such as ER, Extract, or Replicat after a specific duration using this automation task. To configure automated purging of Oracle GoldenGate processes:

  1. From the Administration Service left navigation pane, click Tasks and select Purge Process.

  2. Enter a name for the task in the Name box.

  3. Select the Extract or Replicat task (initial load process) Process Name for the operation. The list contains all processes so ensure that you select the correct task.

  4. Select the Extract or Replicat task (initial load) Process Type for the operation.

  5. If you enable Use Stop Status, the status of the task is used to perform the purge task.

  6. Enter the hours or days after which you need to purge the process and click Submit.

  7. Edit or delete the purge process task using the relevant icon from the Purge Tasks table.