Example IAM Application and Oracle GoldenGate Authorization Profile Configured for an IAM Application

The following examples show samples of the IAM confidential application and how it's values are used when the Oracle GoldenGate Authorization Profile is created.

Example: IAM Application Configuration

The following exmaple shows the IAM configuration for the confidential application. Notice the HTTPS address from the jwks-uri that shows additional key information:

IAM                : TestDemo_IAM 
Domain             : TestDemo_Domain
Groups             : GG_Group_Security, GG_Group_Administrator, GG_Group_Operator, and GG_Group_User
Application        : GG _TestDemo_ App
Audience           : GG_TestDemo_PrimAudience
Scope              : urn:ogg:serviceToService

RedirectURI        :  https://east.oraclevcn.com:8231/services/v2/authorization
Post-logout URL    :  https://east.oraclevcn.com:8231/ojr=signout

Example: Oracle GoldenGate Authorization Profile

Using the values shown in Example 1, create an authorization profile in Oracle GoldenGate, which would have the following configuration:

Profile Type        : IAM
Profile Name        : GG_TestDemo_IAM
Description         : Authorization Profile for TestDemo using IAM
Tenant Discovery URI: https://idcs-[...].identity.oraclecloud.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
ClientID            : 123abc456def789ghi012jkl345mno67                           
Client Secret       : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Group_Mapping       : GG_Group_Security, GG_Group_Administrator, GG_Group_Operator, and GG_Group_User