Review the Distribution Path Information

You can constantly monitor the activity of the path on the Distribution path information page. To access the Distribution Path information page, click Distribution Paths, select the distribution path name that you need to view. The Basic Information of the distribution path is displayed. You can also click the Path Information option under the distribution path name in the left navigation pane.

This page displays all details of the associated path and allows you to edit or modify various options. The editable options have a pencil icon available with it. The information displayed includes:

  • From the basic information, you can change the Target Encryption Algorithm, , Trail Size, configure trail format, enable or disable the Critical option depending on whether the path is considered critical to the deployment, change Auto Restart value.

  • From the Encryption section, you can edit the encryption profile name, and apply a new master key if required.

  • The Advanced Options including Enable Network Compression, EOF delay, flush, and TCP that you configured. You can change any or all of these options, then apply to the path.